Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Imam Achmad Al Abidulloh
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dwi Kuswanto, S.Pd., M.T.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Iwan Santosa, S.T., M.T.

    Algoritma routing pada jaringan SDN sangat menentukan apakah jaringan SDN yang dibangun menggunakan algoritma Dijkstra sudah optimal. Algoritma routing Dijkstra diterapkan untuk mencari jalur terdekat, yang akan diuji coba dan dianalisis apakah sudah termasuk algoritma yang optimal pada jaringan SDN dengan membandingkan layanan kualitas jaringan single-path dan multipath routing. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi parameter throughput, jitter, dan packet loss. Pada pengujian kondisi jaringan idle menghasilkan throughput maksimal 5 Mbps, jitter <0,01 ms, dan packet loss 0% pada single-path dan multipath routing tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Prosentase throughput pada 2 host kondisi jaringan sibuk multipath routing sebesar 1% > single-path routing. Prosentase jitter pada 2 host kondisi jaringan sibuk single-path routing 141% > dibandingkan multipath routing. Prosentase packet loss pada 2 host kondisi jaringan sibuk single-path routing 156% > dibandingkan multipath routing. Prosentase throughput pada 3 host kondisi jaringan sibuk multipath routing memperoleh hasil 5% > single-path routing. Prosentase jitter pada 3 host kondisi jaringan sibuk single-path routing memperoleh hasil 61% > multipath routing. Prosentase packet loss pada 3 host kondisi jaringan sibuk single-path routing memperoleh hasil 56% > multipath routing. Jaringan SDN memiliki performa QoS yang baik terbukti dalam pengujian berdasarkan parameter throughput, jitter, dan packet loss.


    The routing algorithm on the SDN network largely determines whether the SDN network built using the Dijkstra algorithm is optimal. Dijkstra's routing algorithm is applied to find the closest path, which will be tested and analyzed whether it is included in the optimal algorithm on the SDN network by comparing the quality of single-path and multipath routing network services. Tests carried out include parameters throughput, jitter, and packet loss. In testing the idle network conditions produce a maximum throughput of 5 Mbps, jitter <0.01 ms, and 0% packet loss in single-path and multipath routing there are no significant differences. The percentage of throughput on 2 hosts of multipath routing busy network conditions is 1%> single-path routing. Percentage of jitter on 2 hosts busy network conditions single-path routing 141%> compared to multipath routing. Percentage of packet loss in 2 hosts busy network conditions single-path routing 156%> compared to multipath routing. The percentage of throughput on 3 hosts of multipath routing busy network conditions results in 5%> single-path routing. Percentage of jitter on 3 hosts busy network condition single-path routing gets 61%> multipath routing. Percentage of packet loss in 3 hosts busy network conditions single-path routing results in 56%> multipath routing. SDN network has a good QoS performance proven in testing based on parameters throughput, jitter, and packet loss.

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