Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Siti Holifah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr.Apri Arisandi,S.Pi.,M.Si.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr.Ir.H.Asfan,MP.

    Ikan Teri perlu penanganan serius pasca panen karena teksturnya yang mudah rusak salah satunya dengan dilakukan perebusan. Limbah cair hasil rebusan yang terbuang perlu adanya pemanfaatan menjadi produk baru yang benilai ekonomis agar tidak mencemari lingkungan, salah satunya dengan cara membuat pupuk organik air (POC).Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengetahui dampak limbah cair rebusan ikan Teri terhadap lingkungan perairan sekitar pabrik, mengetahui formulasi yang tepat dalam pembuatan pupuk organik cair dan mengetahui pengaruh pupuk organik cair dari limbah cair rebusan ikan Teri terhadap tanaman Bayam. Uji pencemaran parameter yang diamati ialah BOD, COD dan pH (bekerja sama dengan laboratorium Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura) dari tiga titik sampel yaitu Hulu, Tengah dan Hilir, Parameter pengamatan untuk formulasi POC limbah cair rebusan ikan Teri ialah warna, suhu, bau dengan metode organoleptik, sedangkan uji N, P, K, C organik bekerja sama dengan laboratorium Kimia Tanah Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Parameter pengamatan pada pengaruh POC terhadap tanaman Bayam ialah Berat Basah Tanaman dan berat kering tanaman dengan oven pada suhu 40?C selama 3 hari bekerjasama dengan Laboratorium Dasar Universitas Islam Madura. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), percobaan terdiri 1 faktor yaitu limbah cair rebusan ikan Teri sebanyak 5 liter/perlakuan dan 5 perlakuan yaitu konsentrasi EM4 dengan kombinasi taraf 5%, 10%, 15%., 20%, 25%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair rebusan ikan Teri berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan perairan sekitar pabrik karena nilai COD diatas nilai baku mutu limbah cair (150 mg/L) dititik Hulu(236,8mg/L),Tengah(233,6mg/L),Hilir(230,4mg/L) dan BOD berada dibawah standar baku limbah cair (100 mg/L) dititik Hulu(43,30mg/L), Tengah (25,80mg/L), Hilir(5,90mg/L) dan pH (6-9) dititik hulu (5,5) tidak memnuhi standar baku mutu limbah, tengah(6,5) dan hilir (7,2).Formulasi yang tepat dalam pembuatan pupuk organik cair dari air rebusan ikan Teri ialah pada penambahan EM4 5%, pupuk organik cair dari air rebusan ikan Teri berpengaruh terhadap hasil tanaman Bayam (Amarathus sp.) karena dapat meningkatkan nilai berat kering tanaman Bayam . Kata Kunci : Limbah Cair Rebusan Ikan Teri, Pupuk Organik Cair, Fermentasi, Tanaman Bayam.


    Anchovy needs serious handling after harvest because of its perishable texture, one of which is by boiling it. Liquid waste from the stew that is wasted requires the use of a new product that is economically valuable so as not to pollute the environment, one of which is by making water organic fertilizer (POC). The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of anchovy boiled liquid waste on the environment around the factory, knowing the right formulation in making liquid organic fertilizer and determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer from anchovy boiled liquid waste on Spinach plants. The parameters of the pollution test were BOD, COD and pH (in collaboration with the Marine and Fisheries Laboratory of the University of Trunojoyo Madura) from three sample points, namely Upstream, Middle and Downstream. with the organoleptic method, while the organic N, P, K, C tests work together with the Soil Chemistry Laboratory of Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Observation parameters on the influence of POC on Spinach plants were Wet Weight and dry weight of the plant with an oven at 40 ° C for 3 days in collaboration with the Basic Laboratory of the Islamic University of Madura. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), the experiment consisted of 1 factor, namely the effluent of boiled fish as much as 5 liters / treatment and 5 treatments namely the concentration of EM4 with a combination of levels of 5%, 10%, 15%., 20%, 25 % The results of this study indicate that the effluent of boiled anchovy has an effect on the environment of the surrounding waters of the factory because the COD value is above the standard quality of liquid waste (150 mg / L) at the upstream point (236.8 mg / L), Middle (233.6 mg / L), Downstream (230.4mg / L) and BOD are below the standard liquid waste standard (100 mg / L) at the upstream point (43.30mg / L), Middle (25.80mg / L), Downstream (5.90mg / L) and pH (6-9) upstream (5.5) does not meet the waste quality standards, middle (6.5) and downstream (7.2). Appropriate formulation in making liquid organic fertilizer from anchovy boiled water is in addition EM4 5%, liquid organic fertilizer from anchovy boiled water affects the yield of Spinach (Amarathus sp.) Because it can increase the dry weight value of Spinach plants. Keywords: Liquid Waste of Boiled Anchovy, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Fermentation, Spinach Plant

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