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ZAINI. 2019. Kompetensi Pengelola dalam Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Yanfa?u Linnas Desa Gapura Timur Kecamatan Gapura Kabupaten Sumenep dibawah bimbingan Dr. Muhammad Alkirom Wildan, SE, M.Si selaku Dosen Pembimbing I dan Dr. A. Yahya Surya Winata, S.E., M.Si selaku dosen Pembimbing II. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan studi fenomenologi. Hasil Penelitian sesuai dengan teori spencer ada 5 karakteristik kompetensi: PertaPenulis : ZainiDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Muhammad Alkirom Wildan. S.E., M.SiDosen Pembimbing II :Dr. A Yahya Surya Winata. S.E., M. SiAbstraksiAbstraction
ZAINI. 2019. Management Competence in the Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Yanfa'u Linnas Desa Gapura Timur Gapura District Sumenep Regency under the guidance of Dr. Muhammad Alkirom Wildan, SE, M.Sc as Advisor I and Dr. A. Yahya Surya Winata, S.E., M.Sc as the Advisor II. This study uses a qualitative research approach using a qualitative study of phenomenology. The results of the study are in accordance with Spencer's theory, there are 5 characteristics of competence: First (Motives), that the manager of Bumdes Yanfa'u Linnas has a high enthusiasm to manage and develop Bumdes Yanfa "u Linnas businesses in order to help smooth the community's economy while increasing income for the village. Second, Trait, that all managers have good behavior, direct each other, always coordinate and communicate related to Bumdes issues and other matters, both formal and informal. Third is Self Concept, the attitude held by the managers of Bumdes Yanfa'u Linnas, the writer and the informants considered that they have a polite and polite attitude and good ethics. Fourth, the knowledge possessed by Bumdes managers in managing their Bumdes has good knowledge, in managing the organization, developing and empowering the community's economy. The last is Skill, Manager or administrator of Bumdes Yanfa'u Linnas, the writer and informant assess that they have the ability or competence in managing the institution. From the description above, it can be concluded that the manager / management is declared to have competence in managing the Bumdes Yanfa'u Linnas. Keywords: Competence, Manager, Bumdes