Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Faizatun Nazila
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Shofiyun Nahidloh, S.Ag.,M.H.I
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Perbedaan harga yang diterapkan pemilik jasa transportasi di objek wisata kerap menjadi suatu kebiasaan bagi masyarakat. Sesuatu yang menjadi kebiasaan belum tentu benar menurut Islam. Keadilan merupakan salah satu aturan bisnis syariah yang harus dipenuhi apalagi kebiasaan tersebut terjadi di objek wisata religi asta Sayyid Yusuf yang sebagian besar masyarakat mengaggap bahwa wisata religi merupakan wisata syari’ah. Melihat realita diatas, penyusun tertarik untuk meneliti hal tersebut dengan objek penelitian di wisata religi asta Sayyid Yusuf dengan rumusan masalah : bagaimana pelaksanaan bisnis jasa transportasi di wisata religi asta Sayyid Yusuf? Dan bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap bisnis jasa transportasi di wisata religi asta Sayyid Yusuf?. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (filed research), dan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, yaitu dengan cara meneliti dan memberi penilaian terhadap realita dilapangan dengan pendekatan empiris normatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis hukum dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan harga yang terjadi antara wisatawan dan warga di wisata religi asta Sayyid Yusuf adalah demi kemaslahatan bersama, warga yang tidak di pungut tiket masuk merupakan bonus yang diberikan petugas kapal sebagai menumpang tetap dan tarif akan berlaku bagi para wisatawan dengan tujuan keuntungan dan pencatatan. Berdasarkan dengan penarikan dan penetapan harga bagi penumpang yang diterapkan oleh pemilik jasa transportasi di wisata religi asta Sayyid Yusuf merupakan sah menurut hukum Islam. Kata kunci : Wisata Religi, Wisata Syari’ah, Hukum Islam


    The price difference applied by the transportation service owner in a tourist attraction often becomes a habit for the community. Something that becomes a habit is not necessarily true according to Islam. Justice is one of the sharia business rules that must be fulfilled especially as the habit occurs in the religious tourism object Sayyid Yusuf, which most of the people consider religious tourism as sharia tourism. Seeing the reality above, the compiler is interested in researching this with the object of research in Sayyid Yusuf's asta religious tourism with the formulation of the problem: how is the implementation of the transportation services business in Sayyid Yusuf's asta religious tourism? And how is the Islamic legal review of the transportation services business in Sayyid Yusuf's religious tourism? This type of research is field research, and this research is analytical descriptive, that is by researching and evaluating reality in the field with a normative empirical approach. Based on the results of research and legal analysis, it can be concluded that the price difference that occurs between tourists and residents in Sayyid Yusuf's private religious tourism is for the sake of mutual benefit, residents who are not collected an entrance ticket are bonuses given by ship officials as a permanent ride and the tariff will apply to the tourists for profit and recording purposes. Based on the withdrawal and pricing of passengers applied by the owner of transportation services in the religious tourism asta Sayyid Yusuf is legal according to Islamic law. Keywords: Religious Tourism, Shari'ah Tourism, Islamic Law

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