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PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN “MACAN” (MACAM-MACAM CANDI) BERBASIS AUGMENTED REALITY UNTUK KELAS IV SDPenulis : Trisna SasmikaDosen Pembimbing I : Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd.Dosen Pembimbing II :Aditya Dyah Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.Abstraksi
ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah untuk mengetahui kevalidan, keefektifan, dan kemenarikan media Augmented Reality macam-macam candi untuk siswa kelas IV. Model penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan model Kemp and Dayton yang diadaptasi dari Ramansyah yaitu: (1) tujuan umum pembelajaran, (2) tujuan khusus pembelajaran, (3) karakteristik audiens, (4) isi materi, (5) Treatment, (6) Storyboard, (7) Naskah, (8) Developting, Editing, and Mixing, (9) Testing and Revising. Kevalidan media Augmented Reality macam-macam candi diperoleh dari validator 85,1% (sangat valid). Keefektifan media Augmented Reality macam-macam candi diperoleh dari lembar observasi aktivitas guru 97,2% (sangat efektif), lembar observasi aktivitas siswa 96% (sangat efektif), dan ketuntasan klasikal hasil belajar siswa 88% (8 siswa tuntas dan 1 siswa disetiap pembelajaran tidak tuntas) sehingga keefektifan media Augmented Reality macam-macam candi (efektif). Kemenarikan media Augmented Reality macam-macam candi diperoleh dari angket respon siswa sebesar 83,61% (sangat menarik). Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan media Augmented Reality macam-macam candi menunjukkan kriteria sangat valid, sangat efektif, dan sangat menarik sehingga dapat digunakan media pembelajaran untuk kelas IV. Kata Kunci: Media Augmented Reality, Macam-macam Candi.
AbstractionABSTRACT The purpose of this research and development is to find out the validity, effectiveness and attractiveness of various Augmented Reality temples for IV grade students. This research and development model uses the Kemp and Dayton model adapted from Ramansyah, namely: (1) general learning objectives, (2) specific learning objectives, (3) audience characteristics, (4) material content, (5) Treatment, (6) Storyboard, (7) Manuscript, (8) Developting, Editing, and Mixing, (9) Testing and Revising. The validity of the Augmented Reality media of various temples was obtained from the validator 85.1% (very valid). The effectiveness of Augmented Reality media on various temples is obtained from the observation sheet of teacher activity 97.2% (very effective), observation sheet of student activity 96% (very effective), and classical completeness of student learning outcomes 88% (8 students complete and 1 student in each learning is not complete) so that the effectiveness of Augmented Reality media in various temples (effective). The attractiveness of various Augmented Reality media temples was obtained from the student response questionnaire of 83.61% (very interesting). The results of the research and development of the Augmented Reality media of various temples showed very valid, very effective, and very interesting criteria so that learning media could be used for class IV. Keywords: Augmented Reality Media, Various Temples.