Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Mohammad Rahem
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ary Giri Dwi Kartika, S.Kel.,M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRAK Produksi garam krosok di Salt House mempunyai kualitas yang masih rendah yaitu dilihat dari segi fisik yang kurang bersih dan dari segi kandungan NaCl belum mencapai standar garam industri. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan purifikasi untuk mencapai SNI (standar nasional Indonesia) garam konsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar H2O, NaCl, pada garam krosok dan garam hasil purifikasi. Serta mengetahui pengaruh pemberian NaOH terhadap kandungan NaCl. Pengambilan sampel di Salt House UTM, kemudian dilanjutkan analisa laboratorium untuk menganalisa kadar air dan natrium klorida. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan kadar air pada garam krosok sebesar 1,391%, pada purifikasi penambahan 3 ml NaOH 2N sebesar 0,545, penambahan 6 ml NaOH 2N sebesar 0,810 dan pada Penambahan 9 ml NaOH sebesar 0,590%. Kadar NaCl pada garam krosok sebesar 93,238%, pada purifikasi penambahan 3 ml NaOH 2N sebesar 94,818, penambahan 6 ml NaOH 2N sebesar 95,904 dan pada Penambahan 9 ml NaOH sebesar 96,517%. Purifikasi dengan penambahan NaOH berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan NaCl. Kata Kunci:Garam Krosok, Salt House, Pengaruh NaOH, Kandungan H2O dan NaCl.


    ABSTRACT Crude salt production at the Salt House has a low quality, which is seen from the physical side that is less clean and in terms of NaCl content has not yet reached the industrial salt standard. Therefore, purification is needed in order to achieve INS (Indonesian National Standard ) for sal comsumption. This study aims to determine the levels of H2O and NaCl in crude salt and salts from purification. As well as knowing the effect of giving NaOH towards the content of NaCl. The sample taking is at UTM Salt House, then it followed by laboratory analysis in order to analyze water content and sodium chloride. The results of the study showed that the water content in crude salt was 1.391%, the purification of the addition of 3 ml of NaOH 2N by 0.545%, the addition of 6 ml of NaOH 2N by 0.810% and the addition of 9 ml of NaOH by 0.590%.The level of NaCl in crude salt was 93.333%, The level of NaCl in krosok salt was 93.238%, the purification of the addition of 3 ml of NaN 2N was 94.818, the addition of 6 ml of NaN 2N was 95.904 and the addition of 9 ml NaOH was 96.517%.Purification with the addition of NaOH has an effect on increasing NaCl. Keywords: Crude Salt, Salt House, Effect of NaOH, Content of H2 and NaCl.

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