Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : SAIPUL BAHRI
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Achdiar Redy Setiawan, S.E., MSA., Ak., CA
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    SISTEM DAN PROSEDUR PEROLEHAN IZIN MENDIRIKAN BANGUNAN MENGGUNAKAN ONLINE SINGLE SUBMISSION Saipul Bahri, Analisis Sistem dan Prosedur Perolehan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan Menggunakan Online Single Submission Di Bawah Bimbingan (Bapak Achdiar Redy Setiawan, S.E., MSA., AK., CA) Maksut terbentuknya sistem dan proses Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) yang menggunakan sistem Online Single Submission (OSS) dalam rangka memberikan kemudahan pelaku usaha apabila ingin mendirikan usaha. Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) merupakan lembaga yang berkeinginan untuk mendorong terciptanya iklim usaha yang kondusif sebagai upaya pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat melalui penyelenggaraan pelayanan. Dengan berdirinya Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) adalah bentuk pengabdian pemerintah kepada masyarakat agar ada kepastian bahwa pemerintah tingkat daerah kota, kabupaten/provinsi benar-benar mengayumi masyarakat sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat. Salah satu alasan mengapa masyarakat enggan mengurus IMB diantaranya karena malas berurusan dengan birokrasi karena terkesan ribet. Untuk sementara, maka kemudahan mengurus IMB secara online hanya dapat digunakan untuk Anda yang ingin membangun perusahaan di daerah dan Kota Bangkalan. Sistem OSS sudah jelas menggunakan peraturan pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2018, sehingga pemerintah dapat memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Dalam membangun atau merenovasi rumah, ada banyak hal yang harus dipikirkan mulai dari pembangunan karena dengan adanya kepastian dari masyarakat semua kegiatan masyarakat berjalan secara efektif, episien dan kondusif Kata kunci: Izin Mendirikan Bangunan


    SYSTEM AND PROCEDURES FOR PERMISSION OF LICENSE TO ESTABLISH BUILDING USING THE SINGLE SUBMISSION ONLINE Saipul bahri, Analysis Of Systems And Procedures For Obtaining Building Permits Using Online Single Submission of Mrs. (Bapak Achdiar Redy Setiawan, S.E., MSA., AK., CA)The purpose of the establishment of a system and the process of Building Construction Permits (IMB) that uses the Online Single Submission (OSS) system in order to facilitate business actors if they want to set up a business. Investment Services and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) is an institution that wishes to encourage the creation of a conducive business climate as an effort to empower the people's economy through the provision of services. With the establishment of the Investment Services and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP), it is a form of government service to the community so that there is certainty that the city, district / provincial level government really covers the community in accordance with what is needed by the community. One reason why people are reluctant to take care of IMB is because they are reluctant to deal with bureaucracy because they seem complicated. In the meantime, the ease of managing IMB online can only be used for those of you who want to build a company in the area and the City of Bangkalan. The OSS system clearly uses government regulation Number 24 of 2018, so that the government can provide services to the public. In building or renovating homes, there are many things that must be considered starting from development because with the certainty of the community all community activities run effectively, efficiently and conducively. Kewyword: Obtaining Building

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