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  • Konflik Peran Satuan Pengawas Internal Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
    Penulis : Widianti Kumalasari
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Muhammad Alkirom Wildan, S.E., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Trunojoyo Madura pada bagian Satuan Pengawas Internal. Penelitian mengenai konflik peran pada anggota Satuan Pengawas Internal sebagai tenaga audit dan merangkap sebagai tenaga pengajar (dosen). Anggota SPI memiliki tuntutan kerja untuk mengajar dan melakukan auditor terhadap setiap unit pengawasan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab dan jenis konflik peran yang dialami anggota SPI. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan tiga informan menunjukkan hasil penelitian bahwa faktor rangkap jabatan yang menimbulkan konflik peran SPI yakni tingkat kepentingan, tuntutan kerja dan tidak adanya tunjangan kesejahteraan. Konflik peran yang dialami oleh SPI Universitas Trunojoyo Madura lebih kepada konflik dalam diri individu berkenaan dengan konflik waktu dan tekanan yang dialami. Akan tetapi, SPI lebih kepada konflik fungsional karena mampu menghadapi konflik dengan inisiatif dan kreativitas. Kata kunci: Konflik Peran dan Satuan Pengawas Internal


    ABSTRACT The research was conducted at the University of Trunojoyo Madura in the Internal Supervisory Unit. Research related to role conflict in Internal Supervisory Unit members as campus functional staff who also doubles as teaching staff (lecturers). Role conflict is a form of confusion over different double instructions and must be done at the same time. In this study the demands of teaching and auditing of each unit of supervision. This study aims to determine the causes and types of role conflict experienced by Internal Audit members. This research uses descriptive qualitative method through a deep interview approach. Based on interviews with three informants from one SPI member, the SPI leader and one of the SPI oversight units, the results of the study showed that the dual position factors that caused conflicting roles in the Internal Supervisory Unit of Trunojoyo University Madura were the level of interest, work demands and lack of welfare benefits. The role conflict experienced by SPI Trunojoyo University Madura is more about the conflict within the individual regarding the conflict of time and pressure experienced. However, in carrying out their duties still uphold professionalism and create functional conflict because they are able to deal with conflict with initiative and creativity Keywords: Role Conflict, and Internal Supervisory Unit

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