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Model Marketing Shoutout for Shoutout pada Online Shop dalam Perspektif Etika Promosi Islami (Studi Kasus Lampungsfs)Penulis : Arik RahmawatiDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Abdurrahman, S.Ag., M.E.IDosen Pembimbing II :-Abstraksi
ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan pemasaran kini sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Sehingga terbentuklah dunia pemasaran online, salah satunya yaitu model marketing shoutout for shoutout yang dilakukan oleh online shop dengan saling mempromosikan antar sesama online shop dengan syarat utama produk yang ditawarkan berbeda. Model marketing ini merupakan salah satu program unggulan yang ditawarkan oleh Lampungsfs. Peristiwa yang diangkat penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model marketing penyedia dan pengguna layanan shoutout for shoutout di Lampungsfs dalam perspektif Etika Promosi Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus. Narasumber dari penelitian ini adalah penyedia marketing shoutout for shoutout dan pelaku online shop sebagai member yang melakukan kegiatan sounding di Lampungsfs. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model marketing shoutout for shoutout pada online shop di media sosial instagram sangatlah membantu dalam proses promosinya ke masyarakat luas, namun jika ditinjau dalam prespektif etika bisnis islam terdapat empat indikator yang perlu diterapkan dalam proses pemasarannya yaitu jujur dan adil, rendah hati, produk yang dijual jelas dan sesuai syariat islam. Kata kunci: Internet Marketing, Instagram, Shoutout for shoutout, Etika Promosi Islami
AbstractionABSTRACT The growth of marketing is now strongly affected by the technological development. So, it is formed the world of online marketing, the one of them is the model of marketing for shoutout which is organised by online shop by promoting each other among the fellow online shop with the main requirement, the product which is offered is different. This marketing model is the one of exclusive program which is offered by Lampungsfs. This phenomenon that is appointed in this research purposes to analyse marketing model of provider and user of the shoutout for shoutout service in Lampungsfs in the Perspective of Islamic Promotion Ethics. The method which is used in this research is the method of descriptive qualitative with a case study. The informant of this research is the provider of shoutot for shoutout marketing and the doer of online shop as the member who does sounding activity in Lampungsfs. The techniques of collecting the data are by using the documentation and semi-structured interview. The result of this research shows that marketing model of shoutout for shoutout at online shop in social media of instagram is more helpful in the process of promotion to the wide society, but if it is viewed in the perspective of Islamic Promotion Ethics, there are four indicators which is needed to be applied in the process of marketing, they are honest and fair, humble, the product which is sold is clear and appropriate to the Islamic law. Keywords: Marketing Internet, Instagram, Shoutout for shoutout, Islamic Promotion Ethics.