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Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Problem Solving dengan Strategi Heuristik terhadap Kemampuan Literasi SainsPenulis : TUS SUBAIDAHDosen Pembimbing I : Laila Khamsatul Muharrami, S.Si., M.SiDosen Pembimbing II :Irsad Rosidi, S.Pd., M.PdAbstraksi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi model pembelajaran cooperative problem solving dengan strategi heuristik terhadap kemampuan literasi sains. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MTs. Saiful Ulum Kecamatan Tanjungbumi. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah tes literasi sains, observasi angket dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh: (1) terdapat perbedaan literasi sains peserta didik yang menggunakan model Pembelajaran cooperative problem solving dengan strategi heuristik dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 > 0,05, sedangkan –Ztabel ? Zhitung ? Ztabel (-5,172 ? -5,173 ? 5,172). (2) kemampuan literasi sains kelas kontrol aspek konteks memperoleh presentase 37% dengan kategori sains kurang sekali, aspek knowledge sebesar 47% dengan kategori kurang sekali. Rata-rata kemampuan level literasi sains berada pada level 2, 3, dan 4. Kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik pada kelas ekperimen aspek konteks memperoleh presentase 58% dengan kategori kurang sedangkan pada aspek knowledge memperoleh rata-rata presentase 71% dengan kategori cukup. Rata-rata kemampuan level literasi sains berada pada level 3, 4, 5, dan 6. (3) keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran cooperative problem solving dengan strategi heuristik terhadap literasi sains memperoleh presentase 89% dengan kategori sangat baik, (4) respon peserta didik dalam mengimplementasikan model pembelajaran cooperative problem solving dengan strategi heuristik terhadap literasi sains memperoleh presentase 75% dengan kriteria positif. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran Cooperative Problem Solving, Strategi Heuristik, Literasi Sains
AbstractionThis study aims to determine the implementation of learning models cooperative problem solving with heuristic strategies on science literacy ability. This research was conducted at MTs. Saiful Ulum Tanjungbumi District. The data collection techniques used were scientific literacy tests, questionnaire observations and documentation. Based on the results of the study obtained: (1) there are differences in scientific literacy of students using cooperative problem solving learning models with heuristic strategies with a significance value of 0,000 > 0.05, while –Ztabel ? Zhitung ? Ztabel (-5,172 ? -5,173 ? 5,172). (2) class scientific literacy skills control of the context aspect received a percentage of 37% with a category of science lacking, the knowledge aspect was 47% with very little category. The average level of scientific literacy is at levels 2, 3, and 4. Scientific literacy skills of students in the experimental aspect of the context get a percentage of 58% with less categories whereas in the knowledge aspect they obtain an average percentage of 71% with sufficient categories. The average level of science literacy ability is at levels 3, 4, 5, and 6. (3) the implementation of Cooperative Problem Solving learning models with heuristic strategies on scientific literacy gets a percentage of 89% with very good categories, (4) responses of students in implementing cooperative learning models problem solving with the Heuristic Strategy for Science Literacy obtaining a percentage of 75% with positive criteria. Keywords: cooperative problem solving learning model, heuristic strategy, science literacy