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  • Pengembangan Majalah IPA Terpadu Berbasis Etnosains Pada Tema Sedekah Laut Terhadap Minat Baca Siswa
    Penulis : Zilis Diandra Khoirun Nisa
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Yunin Hidayati, S.Si., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Wiwin Puspita Hadi, S.Si., M.Pd

    Tujuan pengembangan ini adalah mengetahui kelayakan, respon, keterbacaan, dan minat baca siswa terhadap majalah IPA terpadu berbasis etnosains pada tema sedekah laut terhadap minat baca siswa. Pengembangan menggunakan model ADDIE. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMPN 1 Plumpang di kelas VII-A tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Berdasarkan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan: (1) Hasil rata-rata penilaian uji kelayakan aspek materi adalah validitas 95,39% dengan kategori layak digunakan tanpa revisi, reliabilitas 96,03% dengan kategori sangat reliabel dan aspek media adalah validitas 95,14% dengan kategori layak digunakan tanpa revisi, reliabilitas 96,87% dengan kategori sangat reliable. (2) Respon siswa paling tinggi terdapat pada pernyataan nomor 7 dan termasuk kedalam indikator keterkaitan materi dengan kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu siswa memberikan kriteria 100% sangat setuju (SS). (3) Penilaian keterbacaan paling tinggi terdapat pada pernyataan nomor 8 dan termasuk kedalam indikator penyajian gambar yaitu siswa memberikan penilaian 86,67% setuju (S), 10% kurang setuju (KS), dan 3,33% tidak setuju (TS). (4) Penilaian minat baca paling tinggi terdapat pada pernyataan nomor 3 dan termasuk kedalam indikator kesenangan terhadap kebiasaan membaca atau terdapat pada aspek perasaan senang yaitu siswa memberikan penilaian 100% sangat setuju (SS). Majalah IPA terpadu berbasis etnosains pada tema sedekah laut terhadap minat baca siswa dinyatakan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran dan mampu meningkatkan minat baca siswa.


    The aims of this development was to know the validity, student’s response, readable, and reading interests of students to the science magazine based integrated ethnoscience on the theme of the sea alms to the students' interest. The development used ADDIE style. Research conducted at SMPN 1 Plumpang in class VII-A 2018/2019 school year. Based on research, it can be concluded: (1) The average yield of due diligence assessment is the material aspect of the validity of 95.39% with a decent category used without revision, the reliability of 96.03% with a very reliable categories and media aspect is the validity of 95.14% with category fit for use without revision, reliability 96.87% categorized as very reliable. (2) The response of students is highest at number 7 and a statement included in the indicator material linkages with everyday life that students give 100% strongly agreed criteria (SS). (3) is highest legibility on proposition 8 and included in the presentation of the picture indicator that students provide an assessment of 86.67% agree (S), 10% disagree (KS), and 3.33% disagree (TS). (4) interest in reading is highest at number 3 and statements included in the indicator pleasure of the reading habits or contained on aspects of good feelings that students have provided a rating 100% strongly agreed (SS). Ethnoscience based integrated IPA magazine on the theme of the sea alms to the students 'interest is declared eligible for use in learning and being able to increase the students' interest. (3) is highest legibility on proposition 8 and included in the presentation of the picture indicator that students provide an assessment of 86.67% agree (S), 10% disagree (KS), and 3.33% disagree (TS). (4) interest in reading is highest at number 3 and statements included in the indicator pleasure of the reading habits or contained on aspects of good feelings that students have provided a rating 100% strongly agreed (SS).

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