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  • Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) dengan Pendekatan Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa
    Penulis : Muhammad Maulana Ilham
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Muchamad Arif, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Muhamad Afif Effindi, S.Kom., M.T.

    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, respon siswa, dan pengaruh model project based learning dengan pendekatan science, technology, enginnering, and mathematics terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasi eksperiment design. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik samplingjenuh dengan jumlah 48 siswa terdiri dari 23 siswa kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan dengan model project based learning dengan pendekatan science, technology, enginnering, and mathematics dan 25 siswa kelas kontrol yang diberi perlakuan dengan model pembelajaran langsung. Instrumen pengambilan data berupa tes uraian, lembar observasi guru, lembar observasi siswa, dan angket respon siswa. Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini ditinjau dari aktivitas guru dan siswa mempunyai kategori baik, dengan hasil rata-rata aktivitas guru 84,65% dan aktivitas siswa 76,19%. Sedangkan untuk angket respon siswa mendapatkan skor rata-rata 80% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Dan untuk memperoleh pengaruh pembelajaran, peneliti menggunakan uji normalitas data menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov, uji homogenitas data menggunakan uji varian. Hasil dan analisis data mendapatkan hasil uji signifikansi kemampuan berpikir kreatif sebesar thitung = 3,708> ttabel = 2,074 dengan ? = 0,05 yang menyatakan bahwa H0 ditolak. Dan diperkuat dengan uji gain ternormalisasi dengan memperoleh nilai rata-rata kenaikan berpikir kreatif sebesar 0,57 kategori “sedang”. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model project based learning dengan pendekatan science, technology, enginnering, and mathematics terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa.


    This research is to get the description about learning activity, student response, and effect of project based learning model with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics approach to student creative thinking abilities. This research is applying quantitative research with quasi experiment design method. The sample of this research was taken by using deep sampling technique with 48 students from 23 students of experiment class who were given treated with project based learning with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics approach and 25 students of control class who were given treated with direct learning model. The instrument of data retrieval is description test, teacher observation paper, student observation paper and student response questionnaire. The learning activity in this research be seen from the activity of teacher and student who have good category which is the average result of teacher activity is 84,65% and student activity is 76,19%. Whereas, for the student response questionnaire gets 80% of score average that included in good category. And to get the effect of learning, the researcher uses the data normality test by applying Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest, the data homogeneity test by applying variants test. The result and the analysis of data get the significance result test of creative thinking abilities in amount of thitung = 3,708> ttabel = 2,074 with ? = 0,05 assert that H0is not accepted. And strengthened by a normalized gain test by obtaining an average value of 0,57 “moderate” category. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a project based learningmodel with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics approach to student creative thinking abilities.

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