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  • Percakapan Antartokoh dalam Komik Rin Karya Harold Sakuishi
    Penulis : Anik Nur ‘Aini Aziza
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ira Fatmawati, S.S., M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Ika Febriani, S.S.,M.Pd

    ABSTRAK Abstrak: Komunikasi merupakan peroses menyampaikan pesan penutur kepada mitra tutur baik secara tersurat maupun tersirat yang harus dipahami kedua peserta tutur. Penelitian ini menganalisis percakapan antartokoh dalam komik Rin karya Harold Sakuishi. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskprisikan jenis dan fungsi implikatur percakapan. Penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini, tuturan antartokoh dalam komik Rin yang mengandung implikatur. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah komik Rin karya Harold Sakuishi seri ke-9, ke-10, dan ke-11. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik simak, dan teknik catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan 1. Reduksi data, 2. Penyajian data, 3. Penarikan simpulan. Uji keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi penyidik yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kemelencengan data. Hasil penelitian ditemukan tiga jenis implikatur percakapan yaitu implikatur percakapan umum (IPU) (23 data), implikatur percakapan berskala (IPB) (satu data), implikatur percakapan khusus (IPK) (26 data). Terdapat empat fungsi implikatur percakapan yaitu fungsi berita, fungsi perintah, fungsi tanya, dan fungsi seruan. Dalam jenis implikatur percakapan umum, 15 data berfungsi berita, dua data berfungsi perintah, empat data berfungsi tanya, dan tiga data berfungsi seru. Pada implikatur percakapan berskala ditemukan satu data berfungsi tanya. Implikatur percakapan khusus terdiri dari 19 data berfungsi berita, dua data berfungsi perintah, empat data berfungsi tanya, dan satu data berfungsi seruan. Kata kunci: Implikatur percakapan, jenis implikatur percakapan, fungsi implikatur percakapan, komik.


    ABSTRACT Communication is a process of delivering source language messages into target language both explicitly and implicitly that must be understood by the two participants. This study analyzed conversational between groups in the Rin comics by Harold Sakuishi. The aimed of this study is to describe the kinds and functions of conversational implicature that conducted on conversational between groups. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The data of this study was the conversational between groups in the Rin comics that contain implicature. The source of the data is Rin comics by Harold Sakuishi which focus on the nineth, tenth and eleventh edition. The data collection techniques used in this study is see technique and note technique. Data analysis technique used in this study are; 1. Data reduction, 2. Display data, 3. Conclusion. Data validity test of this study used investigator triangulation. The result of this study was found three kinds of conversational implicature that contain in conversational between groups in Rin comics by Harold Sakuishi. These three types of implicature are general conversational implicature (IPU) (23 data), scale conversational implicature (IPB) (one data), and special conversational implicature (IPK) (26 data). There are four conversational implicate functions such as news functions, command functions, questions functions, and exclamations functions. In the kind of general conversational implicature, 15 data functioned as news, two data functioned as command, four data functioned as questions, and three data functioned as exclamation. In the scale conversational implicature is found one data that functioned as questions. Special conversational implicature consists of 19 data functiond as news, two data functioned as command, four data functioned as questions and one data functioned as exclamation. Keywords: conversational implicature, kind of conversational implicature, functions of conversational implicature, comics.

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