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Analisis kepribadian Jati Wesi dan Tanaya Suma dalam Novel Aroma Karsa Karya Dewi Lestari (Psikoanalitik Carl Gustav Jung)Penulis : Sri Adi WahyuniDosen Pembimbing I : Ira Fatmawati, S.S., M.PdDosen Pembimbing II :Abdul Rosid, S.Pd., M.PdAbstraksi
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Novel Aroma Karsa karya Dewi Lestari menceritakan kisah Jati Wesi yang memiliki kelebihan dalam mencium aroma. Tema yang unik dan laur cerita yang kompleks melatarbelakangi peneliti untuk menganalisis tokoh Jati Wesi dengan menggunakan psikoanalitik Carl Gustav Jung. Psikoanalitik merupakan salah satu kajian dari psikologi sastra yang mencoba menjelaskan kepribadian yang terdapat dalam diri individu. Psikoanalitik sendiri dibagi menjadi tiga: kesadaran, ketidaksadaran pribadi, dan ketidaksadaran kolektif. Ketidaksadaran kolektif terdiri dari persona, anima-animus, shadow, dan self. Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian diambil dari novel Aroma Karsa karya Dewi Lestari. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pustaka, teknik baca, dan teknik catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kesadaran yang dimiliki oleh tokoh Jati Wesi dengan menggunakan kajian psikoanalitik Carl Gustav Jung. Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan unsur kesadaran dalam diri tokoh Jati Wesi. Kata Kunci: Novel, Tokoh, Psikologi sastra, Psikoanalitik
AbstractionABSTRACT Abstract: Novel Aroma Karsa by Dewi Lestari works tell the story of Jati Wesi which has advantages in smell. The theme of the unique and complex storyline aspects influenced researchers to analyze the character of Jati Wesi using psychoanalytic Carl Gustav Jung. Problems in the study is how the personalities contained Jati Wesi figures in terms of Psychoanalytic Carl Gustav Jung. The research aims to find out the identity of the personality of the main character in novel Aroma Karsa. Is one of the psychoanalytic study of the psychology of literature that tries to explain the personalities contained in the individual. Psychoanalytic it self is divided into three: consciousness, unconsciousness, and the collective unconscious. Collective unconscious consists of persona, anima-animus, shadow, and self. This research belongs in the qualitative research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Source of research data is taken from the novel work of Aroma Karsa by Dewi Lestari. Engineering data collection using the library, read, and write down. Technique of data analysis using data reduction techniques, presentation of data, and the withdrawal of the conclusion. This study describes the personality which is owned by Jati Wesi using psychoanalytic study of Carl Gustav Jung. Results from the study found three elements personality consciousness, unconsciousness, and the collective unconscious. The conclusion obtained from the results of the study found three element of personality in the character of Jati Wesi which consists of consciousness. Key Words: Personality, Character, Psychoanalytic, Novel