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  • Pengembangan Media Buletin Berbasis Model Tutorial Tema 7 Subtema 3 untuk Kelas IV SDN Sidotopo 4 Surabaya
    Penulis : Wamadatul Khoiriah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Andika Adinanda Siswoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Rika Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

    ABSTRAK Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Media Buletin Berbasis Model Tutorial berdasarkan kevalidan, kemenarikan, dan keefektifan. Berdasarkan hasil validasi diperoleh persentase sebagai berikut: ahli materi 97,22% (sangat valid), ahli bahasa 80% (valid), ahli media pembelajaran 91,67% (sangat valid), dan ahli desain pembelajaran 88,23% (sangat valid). Hasil validasi rata-rata diperoleh persentase 89,28% (sangat valid). Hasil kemenarikan (angket respon siswa) pada uji coba produk diperoleh persentase 84,72% (sangat menarik). Hasil kemenarikan (angket respon siswa) pada uji coba pemakaian diperoleh persentase 79,28% (menarik).Hasil keefektifanpada uji coba produk menggunakan observasi aktivitas gurudiperoleh presentase 92,85%(efektif),observasi aktivitas siswadiperoleh presentase 91,26% (efektif) dan hasil belajar diperoleh 88,88% (efektif). Hasil keefektifanpada uji coba pemakaian menggunakan observasi aktivitas gurudiperoleh presentase 85,71%(efektif),observasiaktivitas siswa diperoleh persentase 90,17% (efektif) dan hasil belajar diperoleh87,5% (efektif).Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah media buletin berbasis model tutorial sangat layakdigunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran tema 7 subtema 3 pembelajaran 1 kelas IV SDN Sidotopo 4 Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Media Buletin Berbasis Model Tutorial.


    ABSTRACT This development research aims to develop a Tutorial-Based Bulletin Media based on validity, attractiveness, and effectiveness. Based on the results of the validation obtained the following percentages: material experts 97.22% (very valid), 80% linguists (valid), learning media experts 91.67% (very valid), and learning design experts 88.23% (very valid). The average validation results obtained a percentage of 89.28% (very valid).The results of attractiveness (student response questionnaire) in the product trial obtained a percentage of 84.72% (very interesting). The results of attractiveness (student response questionnaire) in the use trial obtained a percentage of 79.28% (interesting). The results of the effectiveness of product trials using teacher activity observation obtained a percentage of 92.85% (effective), observation of student activities obtained a percentage of 91.26% (effective) and learning outcomes obtained 88.88% (effective). The results of the effectiveness of the trial use using teacher activity observation obtained a percentage of 85.71% (effective), observation of student activities obtained a percentage of 90.17% (effective) and learning outcomes obtained 87.5% (effective). The conclusion of this study is that the bulletin-based media tutorial model is very feasible used as a learning media in the learning theme 7th sub-theme 3th of learning 1 grade of SDN Sidotopo 4 Surabaya. Keywords: Media Bulletin Based on Model Tutorial.

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