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    Heni Izzatul Latifah. 2019. Pengaruh Metode Storytelling Berbantuan Media Wayang Kancil Terhadap Penanaman Nilai Karakter Cinta Tanah Air Pada Mata Pelajaran PKn Siswa Kelas III UPTD MI Sunan Gunung Jati Kudu Kab. Jombang. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Pembimbing I: Mujtahidin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Pembimbing II: Umi Hanik, S.Pd., M. Pd. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode storytelling berbantuan media wayang kancil terhadap penanaman nilai karakter cinta tanah air pada mata pelajaran PKn siswa kelas III UPTD MI Sunan Gunung Jati Kudu Kab. Jombang. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian yang quasi experimental design dengan jenis nonequivalent control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan 40 siswa. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh, karena semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel. 20 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 20 siswa kelas kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan tes sikap. Nilai rata-rata posttest eksperimen sebesar 32,08 dan nilai rata-rata posttest kontrol sebesar 29,46. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan uji t dua sampel independent diperoleh data posstest dengan nilai t_(hitung )= 2,410 dan ? t?_(tabel )= 2,093 oleh karena nilai t_(hitung )=2,410> ? t?_(tabel )= 2,093 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan perbedaan rata-rata nilai tes sikap siswa , maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh metode pembelajaran storytelling berbantuan media wayang kancil terhadap penanaman nilai karakter cinta tanah air pada mata pelajaran PKn siswa kelas III UPTD MI Sunan Gunung Jati Kudu Kab. Jombang. Aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn dengan metode storytelling berbantuan media wayang kancil diperoleh nilai rata-rata 86,5 dengan kategori sangat baik. Kata Kunci: Storytelling, wayang kancil, cinta tanah air. ?


    Heni Izzatul Latifah. 2019. The Effects Of Learning Methods Of Storytelling-Assisted Wayang Kancil's Media Against The Planting Of Character Values The Love Of The Country On PKn Course The Students Of Class III UPTD Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic School In Kudu Kab. Jombang. Thesis. Primary School Teacher Education Study Progam, Faculty of Education, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor I: Mujtahidin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Advisor II: Umi Hanik, S.Pd., M. Pd., ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the effects of learning methods of storytelling-assisted wayang kancil's media against the planting of character values the love of the country on PKn course the students of class III UPTD MI Sunan Gunung Jati islamic school in Kudu Kab. Jombang. The kind of this research is quantitative with the design of the research quasi experimental design with the kind of nonequivalent control group design. This research using 40 students. A sample of using a sample of saturated, because all members of the population sampled. 20 students of the experimental class and 20 students in the control class. Data collection techniques in this study using observation and tests attitude. The value of the average posttest experiments of 32,08 and the value of the average posttest control of 29,46. Based on the results of the accounts using test t two samples independent obtained posttest data obtained value t_(count )= 2,410 with ? t?_(table )= 2,093 because the value t_(count )= 2,410 > ? t?_(table )= 2,093 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Basedon the differences average score of attitude test, there are it can be concluded that there is influence of learning methods of storytelling-assisted wayang kancil's media against the planting of character values the love of the country on PKn course the students of class III UPTD MI Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic school in Kudu Kab. Jombang. The activity of students in learning PKn by the method of storytelling-assisted media wayang kancil obtained an average value of 86.5 with very good category. Keywoard: Storytelling, wayang kancil’s, love the country.

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