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Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Rumah Adat Indonesia Berbasis Cai (Computer Assisted Intruction) Pada Tema 7 Indahnya Keragaman Di Negeriku (Subtema 2) Kelas Iv Sdn Wates 6 MojokertoPenulis : Mohkamad Riyo Dwi PutraDosen Pembimbing I : Andika Adinanda S., S.Pd., M.Pd.Dosen Pembimbing II :Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd.Abstraksi
Proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan memakai buku paket. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Multimedia Interaktif Rumah Adat Indonesia Berbasis CAI (Computer Assisted Intruction) berdasarakan kevalidan, kemenarikan dan keefektifan. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model Borg and Gall. Berdasarkan hasil validasi diperoleh presentase sebagai berikut: ahli materi 97,22% (sangat valid), ahli bahasa 75% (valid), ahli media 90% (sangat valid), dan ahli desain pembelajaran 82,35% (valid). Hasil kemenarikan (angket respon siswa) pada uji coba produk diperoleh presentase 88,33% (sangat menarik). Hasil kemenarikan (angket respon siswa) pada uji coba pemakaian diperoleh presentase 89% (sangat menarik). Hasil keefektifan pada uji coba produk menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru diperoleh presentase 91% (sangat baik), observasi aktivitas siswa diperoleh presentase 89,44% (sangat baik), dan hasil belajar diperoleh 100% (tuntas). Hasil keefektifan pada uji coba pemakaian menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru diperoleh presentase 91% (sangat baik), observasi aktivitas siswa diperoleh presentase 90,15% (sangat baik), dan hasil belajar diperoleh 92,85% (tuntas). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah multimedia interaktif rumah adat Indonesia sangat layak digunakan sebagai pembelajaran pada tema 7 subtema 2 indahnya keragaman negeriku pembelajaran 3 kelas IV SDN Wates 6 Mojokerto.
AbstractionLecturing process is using preaching method and textbook. This research objective is to develops Interactive Multimedia Indonesia Traditional House Based on CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) in accordance with the validness, attractiveness and effectiveness. The model of this development research is applying Borg and Gall. According to the validness, the percentage are obtained as follows: material expert 97,22% (very valid), language expert 75% (valid), media expert 90% (very valid), and learning design expert 82,35% (valid). Meanwhile the result of attractiveness (student response questionnaire) in the product test the percentages obtained is 88,33% (very attractive). In the other hand, the outcome of the attractiveness (student response questionnaire) in usage test the percentage obtained is 89% (very attractive). Then, the result of effectiveness in product test using teacher activity observation the percentage obtained is 91% (excellent), student activity observation the percentage result is 89,44% (excellent), and learning percentage result is 100% (accomplished). Also, the effectiveness in usage test using teacher activity observation the percentage obtained is 91% (excellent), student activity observation the percentage is 90.15% (excellent) and learning result percentage is 92,85% (accomplished). In conclusion, the research about Interactive Multimedia Indonesia Traditional House is acceptable for learning material in 7th theme, 2nd sub -theme the beauty of my country diversity Learning 3, 4th grade public elementary school Wates 6th Mojokerto.