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  • Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Situation Based Learning (SBL) Terhadap Motivasi dan Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Siswa Kelas IV UPTD SDN Bator 1 Klampis Bangkalan
    Penulis : Fatimatus Zahroh
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Moh. Edy Nurtamam, S.Pd., M.Si.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Isna Ida Mardiyana, S.Pd., M.Pd.

    Permasalahan yang terjadi di UPTD SDN Bator 1 Klampis Bangkalan adalah rendahnya motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika dan rendahnya kemampuan representasi matematis siswa. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan model pembelajaran Situation Based Learning (SBL). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Model pembelajaran SBL terhadap motivasi dan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan Penilitian Kuantitatif menggunakan Desain Quasi Eksperimental Design dengan bentuk Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan sampel jenuh. Kelas IV A sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas IV B sebagai kelas eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan angket. Hasil analisis uji t dua sampel pada nilai angket motivasi sesudah pembelajaran adalah thitung = 3,081 dan ttabel = 2,003, thitung > ttabel dapat dinyatakan bahwa Ho ditolak. Hasil analisis uji t dua sampel independen pada nilai Posttest kemampuan representasi matematis adalah thitung = 2,163 dan ttabel = 2,003 maka, thitung > ttabel dapat dinyatakan bahwa Ho ditolak. artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan nilai rata-rata angket sesudah pembelajaran dan nilai posttest antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Adanya perbedaan nilai ini membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh model pembelajaran SBL terhadap motivasi kemampuan representasi matematis siswa kelas IV UPTD SDN Bator 1 Klampis. Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran SBL, Matematika, Motivasi, Kemampuan Representasi Matematis


    Some problems identified in the UPTD of Bator 1 Klampis Bangkalan Elementary Schoolwere low students motivation in mathematics learning and low ability of students' mathematical representation. To overcome these problems, the SBL model, was applied to stimulate the students in order to be active in mathematic learning process. This study aimedat determining the influence of SBL model on motivation and mathematical representation ability. This studyapplied quantitative research using the Quasi-Experimental Design by the form of Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this study applied a saturated sample where all members of the population were taken; class IV A as the control class and class IV B as the experimental class. This research was conducted in the even semester of the academic year 2018-2019 by giving the students some tests and questionnaires as the data collection technique. The results of t-test analysis of two samples on the value of the motivation questionnaire after learning were t-count = 3.081 and t-table = 2.003, t-count> t-table can be stated that Ho is rejected. The results of the t-test analysis of two independent samples on the value of the Post-test mathematical representation ability were t-count = 2.163 and t-table = 2.003 then, t-count> t-table can be stated that Ho is rejected. meaning there was a significant difference in the post-test mean value and the questionnaire mean value between experimental class and control class. The difference in average of the values proved that there was significant influence of SBL model on mathematical representation ability of 4th grade students of UPTD of Bator 1 Klampis Elementary School. Keywords: SBL Model, Mathematics, Motivation, Mathematical Representation Ability

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