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  • Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Pakaian Adat Nusantara Berbasis CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) Tema 1 Sub tema 1 Kelas 4 SDN Wates 6 Mojokerto
    Penulis : Erwin Prasetyo Utomo
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Sulaiman, S.Pd., M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd

    Pembelajaran adalah bantuan yang diberikan guru agar terjadi proses pemerolehan ilmu dan pengetahuan, penugasan, kemahiran dan tabiat serta pembentukan sikap dan keyakinan kepada siswa. Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, yakni dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, maupun menggunakan media pembelajaran. Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan Multimedia Interaktif Pakaian Adat Nusantara berbasis CAI (Computer Assistend Instruction) berdasarkan kevalidan, kemenarikan, dan keefektifan media tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Borg and Gall. Berdasarkan hasil validasi diperoleh presentase sebagai berikut: ahli materi 94% (sangat valid), ahli bahasa 75% (valid), ahli media 90% (sangat valid), dan ahli desain pembelajaran 91% (sangat valid). Hasil kemenarikan (angket respon siswa) pada uji coba produk diperoleh presentase 86,66% (sangat menarik). Hasil kemenarikan (angket repon siswa) pada uji coba pemakaian diperoleh presentase 92% (sangat menarik). Hasil keefektifan pada uji coba produk menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru diperoleh presentase 98% (sangat efektif). Observasi aktivitas siswa diperoleh presentase 99,72% (sangat efektif), dan hasil belajar diperoleh 100% (sangat efektif). Hasil keefektifan pada uji coba pemakaian menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru diperoleh presentase 98% (sangat efektif), observasi aktifitas siswa diperoleh presentase 97,59% (sangat efektif), dan hasil belajar diperoleh 95,34% (sangat efektif). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah multimedia interaktif pakaian adat Nusantara sangat layak digunakan sebagai pembelajaran pada tema 1 subtema 1 keberagaman budaya bangsaku pembelajaran 1 kelas IV SDN Wates 6 Mojokerto.


    Learning is assistance given by the teacher so that the process of acquisition of knowledge and knowledge, assignments, skills and character and the formation of attitudes and beliefs to students. Learning is done in several ways, namely by lecturing, question and answer, and using learning media. This development research has the aim to develop Interactive Multimedia of Traditional Clothing of the Archipelago based on CAI (Computer Assistend Instruction) based on the validity, attractiveness, and effectiveness of the media. This study uses the Borg and Gall model. Based on the results of the validation obtained the following percentage: material experts 94% (very valid), linguists 75% (valid), media experts 90% (very valid), and learning design experts 91% (very valid). The results of attractiveness (student response questionnaire) in product trials obtained a percentage of 86.66% (very interesting). The results of attractiveness (student response questionnaire) in the trial use obtained a percentage of 92% (very interesting). The results of the effectiveness of the product trial using teacher activity observations obtained a percentage of 98% (very effective). Observation of student activities obtained 99.72% percentage (very effective), and learning outcomes obtained 100% (very effective). The effectiveness of the results of the trial using the observation of teacher activities obtained a percentage of 98% (very effective), observation of student activities obtained a percentage of 97.59% (very effective), and learning outcomes obtained 95.34% (very effective). The conclusion of this research is that the interactive multimedia of Nusantara traditional clothing is very suitable to be used as learning on the theme 1 sub-theme 1 of the diversity of my nation's culture of learning 1 grade IV SDN Wates 6 Mojokerto.

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