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  • Pengembangan Mesis Perman (Media Sistem Pencernaan Manusia) Berbantuan Puzzle Sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA untuk Siswa Kelas V MI Mambaul Ulum I Bata-Bata Pamekasan
    Penulis : Wardaniatul Jannah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Andika Adinanda Siswoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd

    Penelitian pengembangan ini dilatar belakangi karena terdapat permasalahan di kelas V MI Mambaul Ulum I Bata-Bata Pamekasan. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang kurang inovatif, baik dilihat dari model dan media yang digunakan. Pembelajaran sering dilaksanakan menggunakan metode konvensional dan kurangnya penggunaan media yang menyebabkan siswa menjadi lebih pasif. Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media sistem pencernaan manusia berbantuan puzzle berbasis tiga dimensi untuk siswa kelas V yang valid, efektif, praktis dan menarik. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model Borg and Gall modifikasi Sugiyono.Tahapan tersebut antara lain: potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, perbaikan desain, ujicoba produk, revisi produk, ujicoba pemakaian, revisi produk, produksi massal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil persentase kevalidan mesis perman berbantuan puzzle sebesar 95.22%, persentase keefektifan berdasarkan aktivitas siswa sebesar 94,25%, persentase keefektifan berdasarkan hasil belajar 100% tuntas, persentase kepraktisan sebesar 91,76%, dan persentase kemenarikan sebesar 87,94%. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa mesis perman berbantuan puzzle sangat valid, sangat efektif, sangat praktis dan sangat menarik untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA materi sistem pencernaan manusia untuk kelas V MI Mambaul Ulum I Bata-Bata Pamekasan. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, media pembelajaran, mesis perman berbantuan puzzle, sistem pencernaan manusia


    This research and development is motivated because there are problems in fifth grade MI Mambaul Ulum I Bata-Bata Pamekasan. The implementation of learning is less innovative, both seen from the model and the media used. Learning often use conventional method and lack of media used which cause students t to be more passive. The Purpose of this research and development is to develop a human digestive system media assited by puzzle based three dimensional for fifth grade students that is valid, effective, practical and attractive. The development model used is model Borg and Gall modification by Sugiyono. The stages are: potential and problems, accumulation of information, design of product, validation of design, upgrading of design, the experiment of the product, upgrading of product, the examination of using, the last upgrading of the product, and production in huge number. Based on the results of the research which has been done, obtained the result percentage of validity of mesis perman assited by puzzle is 95,22%, percentage of effective based students activities is 94,25%, percentage of effective based learning outcomes is 100% complete, percentage of practical is 91,76% and percentage of attractive is 87,94%. Basen of the data can be conclude that a mesis perman assited by puzzle is very valid, very effective, and very ttractive to used in sains learning of the materials human digestive system for the fifth grade students MI Mambaul Ulum I Bata-Bata Pamekasan. Keyword: Development, learning media, mesis perman assited by puzzle, human digestive system.

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