Detail Karya Ilmiah
OPPRESSION TOWARD GWANGJU'S SOCIETY IN HUMAN ACTS BY HAN KANGPenulis : Moh. AfivullohDosen Pembimbing I : Zakiyatul Mufidah, M. HumDosen Pembimbing II :Abstraksi
The purpose of this study is to describe the oppressions that had been faced by Gwangju’s society in Human Acts by Han kang. Regarding explanation before, this study applies theory of oppression in order to answer the research question. Therefore, this research applies feminist approach and psychological approach to analyze all of the data in this novel. The source of data is novel from Han kang, namely Human Acts that absolutely acceptable with theory which discusses about oppressions. This study applies qualitative research that describes about oppressions in Human Acts, that discusses about the types of oppression deeply; exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. The techniques used in analyzing this research are data condensation/reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The result of this study is about the oppressions that had been faced by Gwangju’s society in Human Acts. There are four types of oppression; exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. Therefore, this study is focused on the dialogues and author’s narration that depict the types of oppression in Human Acts by Han kang.
AbstractionThe purpose of this study is to describe the oppressions that had been faced by Gwangju’s society in Human Acts by Han kang. Regarding explanation before, this study applies theory of oppression in order to answer the research question. Therefore, this research applies feminist approach and psychological approach to analyze all of the data in this novel. The source of data is novel from Han kang, namely Human Acts that absolutely acceptable with theory which discusses about oppressions. This study applies qualitative research that describes about oppressions in Human Acts, that discusses about the types of oppression deeply; exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. The techniques used in analyzing this research are data condensation/reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The result of this study is about the oppressions that had been faced by Gwangju’s society in Human Acts. There are four types of oppression; exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. Therefore, this study is focused on the dialogues and author’s narration that depict the types of oppression in Human Acts by Han kang.