Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Mat Rosul
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S.,M.Hum
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    A STUDY OF APOLOGY STRATEGIES USED BY MARK ZUCKERBERG IN HIS INTERVIEWS WITH CNN AND CONGRESS PARLIAMENT Mat Rosul English Study Program Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences University of Trunojoyo Madura Abstract: The purposes of this study are to explain the types and functions of apology strategies used by Mark Zuckerberg in his interviews with CNN and Congress Parliament. The data were analyzed by using the theory of apology strategy classifications proposed by Trosborg (1995) and the functions of apology strategies proposed by Deutscshmann (2003). This study was conducted by using qualitative research design proposed by Bogdan and Biklen (1982). The data of this study were utterances containing apology strategies and functions of apology strategies. To collect the data, the writer used content analysis method which was proposed by Krippendroff (2012). To analyze the data, the writer used interactive data anaysis proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994). The finding of this study shows that Mark Zuckerberg uses six types of apology strategies; They are minimizing degree of offence (1 data), acknowledging responsibility (3 data), explanation or account (5 data), expression of apology (2 data), Promise of forbearance (6 data), and offer of repair (3 data). In addition, the writer also finds two functions of apology strategies, namely anticipatory function (3 data) and retrospect function (17 data). Keywords: Types of pology strategies, Functions of apology strategies, Mark Zuckerberg’s interviews.


    A STUDY OF APOLOGY STRATEGIES USED BY MARK ZUCKERBERG IN HIS INTERVIEWS WITH CNN AND CONGRESS PARLIAMENT Mat Rosul English Study Program Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences University of Trunojoyo Madura Abstract: The purposes of this study are to explain the types and functions of apology strategies used by Mark Zuckerberg in his interviews with CNN and Congress Parliament. The data were analyzed by using the theory of apology strategy classifications proposed by Trosborg (1995) and the functions of apology strategies proposed by Deutscshmann (2003). This study was conducted by using qualitative research design proposed by Bogdan and Biklen (1982). The data of this study were utterances containing apology strategies and functions of apology strategies. To collect the data, the writer used content analysis method which was proposed by Krippendroff (2012). To analyze the data, the writer used interactive data anaysis proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994). The finding of this study shows that Mark Zuckerberg uses six types of apology strategies; They are minimizing degree of offence (1 data), acknowledging responsibility (3 data), explanation or account (5 data), expression of apology (2 data), Promise of forbearance (6 data), and offer of repair (3 data). In addition, the writer also finds two functions of apology strategies, namely anticipatory function (3 data) and retrospect function (17 data). Keywords: Types of pology strategies, Functions of apology strategies, Mark Zuckerberg’s interviews.

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