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  • A Study of translation modulation of English pronoun into Indonesian in the novel "in this moment"
    Penulis : Luluk nur syamsiah Hidayati
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Sriyono, S.s., M.Hum.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    The objectives of this study is to find out the kind of translation modulation of English pronoun into Indonesian in the novel In This Moment. Besides, this study aims to figure out what type of modulation found in translating English pronoun into Indonesian by the author in the novel In This Moment. The theory of translation modulation used in this study based on theory of J. P. Vinay and J. Dalbernet (1995), in which this study is conducted the kinds of translation modulation analysis, In This Moment novel. The methodology used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. The study is accomplished by the writer by reading and comparing the English and Indonesian pronoun. Then, the writer compared the data to find what modulation translation method is used in translating pronoun of the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). The data is classified according to each type of modulation translation used in translating English pronouns to Indonesian. The writer also finds out the translation methods that used in translating English pronoun into Indonesian through Translation Modulation that occurs in the novel In This Moment in this study. Moreover, the writer only found several methods that used in this study, those are: Abstract For concrete include 3 data, Explicative Modulation include 11 data, One Part for Another include 4 data dan Reversal Of Term include 4 data. Whereas, the writer not found Active for Passive, Interval and limits, Space for Time, Change of Symbol, Negated Contrary and Part For Whole that used in translating English pronoun into Indonesian through translation modulation that occurs in this study. This analysis is based on theory of translation modulation by J. P. Vinay and J. Dalbernet (1995), that there are 10 methods of translation that are used by translator in translating English pronoun into Indonesian. Kata kunci : Translation Modulation, Pronoun, The novel In This Moment


    The objectives of this study is to find out the kind of translation modulation of English pronoun into Indonesian in the novel In This Moment. Besides, this study aims to figure out what type of modulation found in translating English pronoun into Indonesian by the author in the novel In This Moment. The theory of translation modulation used in this study based on theory of J. P. Vinay and J. Dalbernet (1995), in which this study is conducted the kinds of translation modulation analysis, In This Moment novel. The methodology used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. The study is accomplished by the writer by reading and comparing the English and Indonesian pronoun. Then, the writer compared the data to find what modulation translation method is used in translating pronoun of the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). The data is classified according to each type of modulation translation used in translating English pronouns to Indonesian. The writer also finds out the translation methods that used in translating English pronoun into Indonesian through Translation Modulation that occurs in the novel In This Moment in this study. Moreover, the writer only found several methods that used in this study, those are: Abstract For concrete include 3 data, Explicative Modulation include 11 data, One Part for Another include 4 data dan Reversal Of Term include 4 data. Whereas, the writer not found Active for Passive, Interval and limits, Space for Time, Change of Symbol, Negated Contrary and Part For Whole that used in translating English pronoun into Indonesian through translation modulation that occurs in this study. This analysis is based on theory of translation modulation by J. P. Vinay and J. Dalbernet (1995), that there are 10 methods of translation that are used by translator in translating English pronoun into Indonesian. Kata kunci : Translation Modulation, Pronoun, The novel In This Moment

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