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  • An Eroded of Ape's Species In Greg Cox' novel "War for the Planet of the Apes": An Ecocriticism Analysis
    Penulis : Hosen
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Imron Wakhid Harits, S.S., M.Pd., Ph.D.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT The concern of the study is an environmental problem described in a novel entitled "War for the Planet of the Apes", 2017 as a source of data in this study. Environmental issues become the main source of problems in this study. The purpose of this study is to build an understanding of the importance of maintaining the environment or ecosystem. It is caused by many human actions that can damage the sustainability of the environment or ecosystem. Qualitative research design is chosen as the method used in this study. It is caused because the data that used is the form of words. the data is narrations and utterances that cannot be changed or added. The data portrayed by the author in the novel has a strong correlation with the environmental issues described by Greg Garrard in his book entitled ecocriticism. Therefore, theory ecocriticism is appropriate for analyzing the source of data. The results of this study indicate that many human actions can damage the environment or ecosystem. It can be proven through one of the evidences described in this novel, which is the extinction of ape species due to human activity. This was reinforced by the statement of some experts that stated humans are the main cause of the environmental destruction. Based on the results, this study is considered important to build human awareness to manage their actions that cause environmental destruction. Keywords: Species extinction, Environmental destruction, Ecocriticism theory, and human act.

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