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  • The Interpretation of Nazi Hidden Disaster in Ruta Sepetys' Novel: Salt to the Sea:New Historicism Study
    Penulis : Melynda Kristina
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Zakiyatul Mufidah, S.Hum., M.Hum
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT Kristina, Melynda. The Interpretation of Nazi’s Hidden Disaster in Ruta Sepetys’ novel Salt to the Sea. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor : Zakiyatul Mufidah, S.S, M.Hum. Literary work and history are one of the best to be mixed up. There is a lot of novels that can not moved up from the aspect of history. The story about the real history has the special things to be analyzed. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys is one of novel that tells the history about World War II between German and Russia in 1945. This novel shows how the four teenager and refugees try to get their freedom by MV-Wilhem Gustloff, and there is a lot of hidden story in the war that never be published. The aims of this study are to (1) describe the social-political condition of society during the war, (2) find out the Ideology of the author, and (3) find out the ideology of Nazi that create a new discourse. This research uses qualitative descriptive method, the writer is the key instrument and the data are described in the form of words. The usage source of data is taken from the novel “Salt to the Sea” by Ruta Sepetys. The data of this study are the utterances of the characters and the narrations of the author in Ruta Sepetys’ Salt to the Sea. The other references are taken from some several books, journal, and websites. In conclusion, (1) the social-political condition of society during the war (2) the ideology of the author (3) ideology of Nazi create a new discourse about the weakness of Nazi and Hitler. Keywords : New Historicism, Nazi, Ideology, New Discourse

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