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    Penulis : Lathifah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Misnadin, S.S., M.A., Ph. D
    Dosen Pembimbing II :-


    ABSTRACT This study analyzes lexical variation used by people in Lamongan regency and the lexical similarities that stands out among four districts and have different words with the other districts in Lamongan regency. The data was analyzed of the theories proposed by Wolfram and Schilling (2015) and Chambers and Trudgil theory (2004). This study was conducted by using a descriptive qualitative approach. The writer used twelve people in Lamongan regency as the data source. The data are words used by people in Lamongan regency who have variation, and the lexical similarities that stand out among Solokuro, Laren, Karangbinangun, and Babat district also the lexical have different words with the other district. The method of collecting data is observation, interview, recoding, and noting. In the finding, the writer found 16 data that can be classified as lexical variation. Of these, 5 data belong to nouns as like words bottle, bag, stocking, and so on. 5 data belong to verb as like the words to sit, to advise, to pick up, and so on, 5 data belong to adjective as like the words dirty, exited, cool and so on and 1 data belong to adverb, it is the word often. Also, the writer explains that villages in Solokuro district use similar words and almost there are no differences in words. Meanwhile, different with villages in the other district in Lamongan regency such as in Laren, Karangbinangun, and Babat, where their villages are almost use different words. So, it conclude that Solokuro district has lexical similarities that stands out among four district and have different word with the other district in Lamongan regency. Key word: Dialect, lexical variation, people in Lamongan regency.

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