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  • Ecranisation of Orlando Novel by Virginia Woolf to Orlando film by Sally Potter
    Penulis : Nita Dian Vandarina
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Zakiyatul Mufida, S.Hum.M.Hum
    Dosen Pembimbing II :-

    ABSTRAK Vandarina.Dian.Nita. Studi tentang Ecranisation of Orlando Novel Penulis oleh Virginia Woolf ke dalam film Orlando oleh Sally Potter. Tesis Program Studi Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Penasihat Zakiyatul Mufidah S., S., M.Hum.              Dalam esai ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses ecranisation yang meliputi dari plot, karakter, dan latar belakang yang kategorinya seperti menyusut, menambah atau mengubah variasi dalam versi novel ke versi film, sebuah film oleh Sally Potter Berdasarkan novel oleh Virginia Woolf. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan sumber datanya adalah novel Orlando oleh Virginia Woolf dan film Orlando oleh Sally Potter. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada proses ecranisation yang meliputi dari plot, karakter, dan latar belakang. Instrumen penelitian adalah instrumen manusia. Data diperoleh dari teknik membaca, teknik menonton, dan teknik mencatat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses ecranisation yang terjadi pada elemen-elemen seperti plot, karakter, dan latar belakang adalah adanya penyusutan, pemahaman, dan perubahan variabel. Penyusutan plot, karakter, dan latar terjadi karena media yang digunakan dalam pembuatan novel dan film yang berbeda. Kata kunci: Ecranisation, Novel, Film


    ABSTRACT Vandarina.Dian.Nita. Study of Author’s Ecranisation of Orlando Novel by Virginia Woolf into Orlando film by Sally Potter. Thesis of English Study Program. Faculty of Social and Cultural Science, University Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor Zakiyatul Mufidah S.,S.,M.Hum. In this essay aims to describe ecranisation process covering from plot, character, and background whose categories such as shrinking, adding or variety changing in the novel version to the movie version, a film by Sally Potter Based upon the novel by Virginia Woolf. The research method used qualitative descriptive and the source of data were Orlando novel by Virginia Woolf and film Orlando by Sally Potter. This research focused on the process of ecranisation covering from plot, character, and background. The research instrument was human instrument. The data were obtained from reading technique, watching technique, and note taking technique. The results of this study indicated that the process of ecranisation that occurred on elements such as plot, character, and background were existence of shrinkage, understanding, and change of variables. The shrinking of the plot, character, and setting occurred because of the media used in making different novel and film. Keyword: Ecranisation, Novel, Film

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