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    Sulfi Amalia. English Study Program. An Analysis of Category Shift in The English Translation of Thesis Abstract of Law Faculty at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura The aim of this study is to explain kinds of category shift and the degrees of equivalent meaning occur in thesis abstract found at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. In analyzing the data, the writer uses Catford’s theory for kinds of category shift, and Nida’s theory in explain equivalent meaning. Here, the writer found that there are 30 data belong to category shift. The methods of data collection used document analysis. The writer also used descriptive qualitative research design, the data of this study are explained descriptively which suit with devices and functions relate to the statements of the problem as have shown in the form of words, phrases and sentences. The results show that thesis abstract contains category shift (30), structure shift (30), class shift (30), unit shift (30), and intra system shift (30). Furthermore, the equivalent meaning used in that thesis abstract are complete meaning (24), increase meaning (2) and decrease meaning (2). Keywords : Category shift, translation, equivalent meaning.?


    Sulfi Amalia. English Study Program. An Analysis of Category Shift in The English Translation of Thesis Abstract of Law Faculty at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura The aim of this study is to explain kinds of category shift and the degrees of equivalent meaning occur in thesis abstract found at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. In analyzing the data, the writer uses Catford’s theory for kinds of category shift, and Nida’s theory in explain equivalent meaning. Here, the writer found that there are 30 data belong to category shift. The methods of data collection used document analysis. The writer also used descriptive qualitative research design, the data of this study are explained descriptively which suit with devices and functions relate to the statements of the problem as have shown in the form of words, phrases and sentences. The results show that thesis abstract contains category shift (30), structure shift (30), class shift (30), unit shift (30), and intra system shift (30). Furthermore, the equivalent meaning used in that thesis abstract are complete meaning (24), increase meaning (2) and decrease meaning (2). Keywords : Category shift, translation, equivalent meaning.?

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