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  • Analisis Efektivitas Deep Hole Boring Machine Dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Jishu Hozen
    Penulis : Moh. Sainuddin
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Weny Findiastuti S.T., M.T
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Sugeng Purwoko S.T., M.T

    ABSTRAK Moh. Sainuddin : Analisis Efektivitas Deep Hole Boring Machine Dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Dan Jishu Hozen (Studi Kasus : PT ABC) PT ABC merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dibidang engineering and procurement construction (EPC), manufaktur peralatan industri dan pengecoran mengalami masalah pada mesin yang digunakan memiliki tingkat downtime tinggi sehingga mengganggu proses produksi. Maka dari itu perlu adanya analisis mengenai tingkat efektivitas mesin yang bertujuan mengetahui kinerja produksi dan mengidentifikasi terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi dan faktor – faktor terjadinya permasalahan sehingga usaha perbaikan terfokus dengan metode Overall Equipment Analysis (OEE) dan Jishu Hozen. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata – rata nilai OEE pada mesin deep hole boring machine sebesar 60%. Faktor six big losses yang mempengaruhi adalah reduce speed losses sebesar 79.12%, equipment failure losses sebesar 9.63%, idle and minnor stoppage losses sebesar 7.10%, defect losses sebesar 2.39%, setup and adjusment losses sebesar 1.76% dan reduce yield 0%. Sehingga rekomendasi perbaikannya adalah operator mesin dan staff maintenance secara bersama – sama menjaga, memelihara dan merawat mesin serta peralatan guna meningkatkan efektivitas mesin dan mengurangi losses yang menyebabkan nilai OEE rendah serta mengimplementasikan jishu hozen dengan beberapa aktivitas yang diusulkan kepada perusahaan untuk dijalankan kepada operator deep hole boring machine sesuai dengan work instruction perbaikan. Kata Kunci : Overall Equipment Analysis (OEE), Six Big Losses, Jishu Hozen, Downtime.


    ABSTRACT Moh. Sainuddin : Analysis of the Effectiveness of Deep Hole Boring Machine with Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Jishu Hozen Method (Case Study: PT ABC) PT ABC is a manufacturing company engaged in engineering and construction procurement (EPC), industrial equipment manufacturing and casting machinery related problems that have a high level of downtime that makes the production process. Therefore it is necessary to have an analysis of the importance level of the machine that needs to be studied and produced with consideration of the factors that occur and the factors relating to coverage need to be improved which is focused on the method of Overall Equipment Analysis (OEE) and Jishu Hozen. The results obtained by the average OEE value on the deep hole boring machine by 60%. The six major loss factors that have an impact are reducing speed loss by 79.12%, equipment failure losses by 9.63%, idle and minnor loss losses by 7.10%, defect losses by 2.39%, setup and adjustment losses by 1.76% and reduces the yield of 0%. Regarding appreciating improvements, machine operators and maintenance staff together agreed and maintained machines and equipment to increase machine savings and reduce losses that increase low OEE values and implement jishu hozen with research contributions aimed at companies to move to deep hole boring machine operators. according to the repair work instructions. Keywords: Overall Equipment Analysis (OEE), Six Big Losses, Jishu Hozen, Downtime.

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