Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : siti khusnul khotimah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Ir. Raden Faridz, MP
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Ir. Umi purwandari, M.App.Sc., P.hD

    Sifat komoditas sayuran yang mudah rusak merupakan masalah kualitas yang perlu diperhatikan. Untuk menurunkan tingkat kerusakan sayuran dengan penanganan pasca panen yang baik. Salah satunya menggunakan edible coating yang berbahan dasar pati (salah satu dari Polisakarida). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan kualitas pasca panen tomat cherry. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RAL dalam pembuatan edible coating dengan konsentrasi pati 2%, 3%, 4%, dan konsentrasi CMC 0,25%, 0,75%, dan 1,25% yang diaplikasikan pada tomat cherry. Selama penyimpanan dilakukan uji organoleptic (uji skoring), uji fisik (susut bobot, warna) uji kimia (pH, kadar air). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan edible coating memberikan pengaruh Signifikan terhadap tomat cherry. Hal ini dibuktikan pada nilai susut bobot tomat cherry sebesar 7,42% (pati 4% dan CMC 1,25%) dan 11.245% (pati 2% dan CMC 0,25%), nilai kadar air tomat cherry sebesar 90,7% (pati 2% dan CMC 0,25%) dan 94,490% (pati 4% dan CMC 1,25%), dan nilai keasaman pada tomat cherry sebesar 4,17 (pati 4% dan CMC 1,25) dan 4,28 (pati 2% dan CMC 0,25%). Edible coating dengan konsentrasi pati 4% dikombinasikan dengan konsentrasi CMC 1,25% mampu mempertahankan mutu lebih baik dan dapat memperpanjang umur simpan.


    The nature of the vegetable commodity that is easily damaged is a quality problem to note. To lower the rate of vegetable damage with good post harvest handling. One of them uses edible coating which is based on starch (one of polysaccharides). This research aims to analyse the change in post-harvest quality of tomato cherry. This research uses RAL method in the manufacture of edible coating with starch concentration of 2%, 3%, 4%, and the concentration of CMC 0.25%, 0.75%, and 1.25% applied to the cherry tomatoes. During storage conducted including test (scoring test), physical test (weight shrinkage, color) chemical test (PH, moisture content). The meterage obtained analyzed using ANOVA continued with Duncan test. Results of the study showed that the edible coating treatment gave significant effect to the cherry tomatoes. This is evidenced at the value of the weight of the tomato cherry to 7.42% (starch 4% and CMC 1.25%) and 11,245% (starch 2% and CMC 0.25%), water content value of tomato cherry by 90.7% (starch 2% and CMC 0.25%) and 94.490% (starch 4% and CMC 1.25%), and the acidity value of the cherry tomatoes is 4.17 (starch 4% and CMC 1.25) and 4.28 (starch 2% and CMC 0.25%). Edible coatings with a 4% starch concentration combined with the 1.25% CMC concentration are able to maintain better quality and can extend the shelf life.

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