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    Penulis : Fithri Alfia Nurrizky
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Teti Sugiarti, SP., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Fuad Hasan, SP., MP.

    Indonesia Sebagai negara agraris yang unggul dalam sektor pertaniannya, sedang mengalami permasalahan kompleks pada sumber daya manusia yaitu krisis regenerasi petani muda. Mahasiswa pertanian dianggap sebagai harapan sehingga keputusan karir masa depannya ikut memberikan dampak bagi pertanian dan pandangan mereka tentang sektor pertanian harus dianalisis untuk mengetahui sebera besar minat mereka terhadap sektor pertanian primer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi risiko mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura sehingga dapat diketahui apakah persepsi tersebut berhubungan terhadap minat dalam memilih jenis pekerjaan dari sektor pertanian primer. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui kuisioner terbuka yang disebarkan kepada 48 mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Angkatan 2015 tentang karakteristik, persepsi responden terhadap dimensi risiko sektor pertanian dan klasisfikasi pilihan minat dari 12 jenis pekerjaan pertanian primer. Adapun metode analisis dilakukan melalui analisis skala likert, deskriptif dan analisis uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi risiko mahasiswa Pertanian cukup bervariasi dan masuk kedalam kategori rendah, sedang dan tinggi sedangkan jenis pekerjaan yang paling diminati adalah petani budidaya sayuran dan paling tidak diminati adalah peternak lebah dan ulat sutera. Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukkan bahwa risiko waktu dan risiko hilangnya kesepatan memiliki hubungan positif signifikan terhadap minat pekerjaan di sketor pertanian primer.


    Indonesia as an agricultural country that have advantages in agricultural sector, is now experiencing a huge problem in human resources, namely the regeneration crisis of young farmers. Agricultural students are expected, so that their future career decisions contribute to agriculture and their views on the agricultural sector must be analyzed to find out how much they are interested in the primary agricultural sector. This study aims to determine the risk perception of Trunojoyo Madura University Faculty of Agriculture students so that it can be seen whether these perceptions relate to interest in choosing the type of work from the primary agricultural sector. The research method used was through an open questionnaire distributed to 48 students of the 2015 Faculty of Agriculture abaout their characteristics, respondents' perceptions of the dimensions of the agricultural sector risk and classification of choice about interests from 12 types of primary agricultural work. The method of analysis is done through Likert scale analysis, descriptive and Chi Square test analysis. The results showed that the risk perceptions of agricultural students were quite varied and included in the low, medium and high categories while the most desirable types of work were farmers cultivating vegetables and the least desirable were silk worms and bee farmers. The Chi Square test results show that active risk and the risk of loss of accuracy have a significantly positive relationship to the interest in employment in primary agriculture.

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