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  • Uji Efektifitas Cendawan Antagonis Trichoderma sp. Terhadap Patogen Phytophtora nicotianae Penyebab Penyakit Lanas pada Tanaman Tembakau Virginia (Nicotiana tobaccum L.).
    Penulis : Devi Lestiyo Rini
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ir. Achmad Djunaedy M.P.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Ir. Ahmad Arsyadmunir M.S.

    Penyakit Lanas yang disebabkan oleh patogen Phytophthora nicotianae adalah penyakit utama di kebanyakan pusat pertanaman tembakau. Tingkat kerugian akibat penyakit ini mencapai 50%. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan (BBPPTP) Surabaya pada bulan Desember 2018 hingga Maret 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penghambatan oleh Trichoderma sp. secara endofit dan saprofit terhadap pertumbuhan P. nicotianae secara in vitro. Tahapan penelitian ini meliputi pembuatan media, pengambilan sampel tanah, eksplorasi cendawan Trichoderma sp., identifikasi cendawan, pemurnian cendawan, peremajaan cendawan dan patogen. Uji antagonis secara in vitro dilakukan dengan dual culture method. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kerapatan spora Trichoderma sp. , viabilitas spora Trichoderma sp. , jari-jari patogen Phytophthora nicotianae, dan persentase penghambatan Phytophthora nicotianae. Hasil uji antagonis secara in vitro menunjukkan bahwa persentase penghambatan terbesar ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan Trichoderma sp. asal isolat tanah perakaran tembakau Bojonegoro sebesar 63,2 %.


    Lanas Disease which is caused by pathogen Phytophtora is a main disease in the most tobacco plant centre. As a result of this disease of up to 50%. Nowadays, the control of Lanas disease still uses chemical fungicides and if it is applied in the long term, it is feared that it will cause a new impact on the environment. Antagonist fungus Trichoderma sp. is expected to be an agent of biological control because it gas various compound which can be an antibiotic. Trichoderma sp. which is used in this research comes from endophyte and saprophytes with the different of isolate source. This research is conducted in Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman Surabaya as BBPPTP Surabaya on December 2018 until March 2019. The step of this research includes manufacture of media, land sampling, exploration of fungi Trichoderma sp., verification of fungi, purification of fungi, rejuvenation of fungi and pathohgen. The antagonist test by using in vitro is conducted by dual culture method. The parameter which is observed includes the density of Trichoderma sp. Spore, viability of Trichoderma sp. spore, pathogenic radius of Phytophora nicotianae, and the percentage of inhibition Phytophthora nicorianae. The result of antagonist test by using in vitro shows that the largest percentage of inhibition is indicated by the treatment of Trichoderma sp. the source of the isolate of tobacco land root in Bojonegoro 63,2%

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