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    Dosen Pembimbing I : HENNY OKTAVIANTI.S.E.,M.E
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    uhammad Bakhrul Ulum: Analisis Struktur Pasar Industri Jajanan Tradisional Desa Ploso Kecamatan Selopuro Kabupaten Blitar. Paguyuban Sari Roso dibentuk supaya menjadi wadah untuk memudahkan koordinasi antar produsen jajanan yang ada di desa Ploso yang bertujuan untuk membangun sektor industri. Industri di daerah memiliki karakteristik yang tidak sama, seperti halnya industri Paguyuban Sari Roso yang menghasilkan produk heterogen akan menciptakan sebuah persaingan. Derajat persaingan dapat dilihat dari struktur pasar yang mengakibatkan perilaku dan kinerja setiap pelaku industri berbeda. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantititatif deskriptif yaitu dengan menggunakan perhitungan pangsa pasar dengan memberikan gambaran dari hasil penelitian. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalisis struktur pasar, perilaku dan kinerja usaha, serta hubungan korelasi antara struktur pasar dan kinerja. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara kepada pihak-pihak terkait dan ditambah dukungan data sekunder untuk menguatkan hasil penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian dianalisis selanjutnya ditarik kesimpulan atas penelitian tersebut. hasil penelitian menunjukan karakteristik struktur pasar, perilaku, dan kinerja usaha Industri Paguyuban Sari Roso. Serta hubungan sebab akibat antara struktur pasar dan kinerja usaha. Struktur pasar dilihat dengan rumus market share, perilaku menunjukkan strategi harga, strategi produk dan strategi pelayanan. Serta kinerja usaha diliht melalui pendapatan masing-masing produsen. kata kunci: struktur pasar, perilaku, kinerja usaha


    Muhammad Bakhrul Ulum: Analysis of Market Structure of Traditional Snacks Industry in Ploso Village, Selopuro District, Blitar Regency. Community Sari Roso formed to be a forum to facilitate coordination between producers snacks in the village of Ploso that aims to develop the industrial sector. Industries in the regions have different characteristics, such as the Sari Roso Circle of Industry which produces heterogeneous products will create competition. The degree of competition can be seen from the market structure that results in the behavior and performance of each different industry player. This research is a descriptive quantitative one using the calculation of market share by providing an overview of the results of the study. This study aims to identify market structure, business behavior and performance, and the correlation between market structure and performance. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with relevant parties and supplemented by secondary data support to strengthen the results of the study. The results of the study were analyzed and conclusions were drawn from the study. the results of the study show the characteristics of the market structure, behavior, and business performance of the Sari Roso Circle of Industry. Market structure is seen with the market share formula, behavior shows price strategy, product strategy and service strategy. And business performance is chosen through the income of each producer. Keywords: market structure, behavior, business performance

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