Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : MIRA NURHAYATI
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Mochammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Wiwin Puspita Hadi, S.Si., M.Pd

    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh, berpikir kreatif siswa, keterlaksanaan, dan respon siswa terhadap model inkuiri terbimbing dengan metode resitasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan Kuasi Eksperimental dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Socah. Sampel penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VIII C sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII D sebagai kelas kontrol dengan penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji t sampel bebas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan metode resitasi terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa ; (2) Hasil rata-rata persentase keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing sebesar 97 % dikatakan sangat baik; (3) Respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan metode resitasi tergolong sangat baik dengan persentase 81%;


    The study aims to determine the effect, creative thinking of students, implementation, and student responses to guided inquiry models by the recitation method. The type of research used was Quasi Experimental with the research design of Nonequivalent control group design. The population in the study was all eighth grade students of Socah 1 Junior High School. The research sample is class VIII C as the experimental class and class VII D as the control class with the determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique uses the free sample t test. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) There is the influence of guided inquiry learning model with recitation method on students' creative thinking abilities; (2) The results of the average implementation percentage of guided inquiry learning model of 97% are said to be very good; (3) Student responses to the guided inquiry learning model with the recitation method are classified as very good with a percentage of 81%;

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