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  • Abstraksi

    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan buku cergam berbasis kearifan lokal masyarakat nelayan Madura yang layak, efektif, praktis, dan menarik yang dapat memudahkan guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn di kelas III SDN Pangeranan V Banngkalan. Penelitian menggunakan metode R & D (Research and Develoment), model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang diadaptasi oleh Sugiyono. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Hasil uji coba kelayakan bahan ajar dari validator ahli materi pembelajaran 87%, ahli materi keraifan lokal 86%, ahli bahasa 95%, ahli desain 85% dengan kategori sangat layak. (2) Hasil uji kemenarikan berdasarkan respon siswa pada uji coba produk 90%, uji coba pemakaian 92% dengan kategori sangat menarik. (3) Hasil uji keefektifan pada uji coba produk, hasil observasi aktivitas guru sebesar 96% dan hasil observasi aktivitas siswa sebesar 88,6%. Pada uji coba pemakaian, hasil observasi aktivitas guru sebesar 100%, hasil observasi aktivitas siswa sebesar 90% dengan kategori sangat efektif. (4) Hasil uji kepraktisan berdasarkan respon guru sebesar 88% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah buku cergam berbasis kearifan lokal masyarakat nelayan Madura sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran PKn materi “memiliki kebanggaan sebagai bangsa Indonesia” pada kelas III SDN Pangeranan V Bangkalan.


    This study aims to develop a decent, effective, practical, and interesting book of local wisdom based on Madura fishing communities that can facilitate teachers and students in Civics learning in Grade III of Pangeranan V Elementary School. The study used the R & D (Research and Develoment) method, the development model of Borg and Gall adapted by Sugiyono. The results showed that: (1) the results of the feasibility trial of teaching materials from the expert validator of the learning material were 87%, 86% local experts in material expertise, 95% linguists, 85% design experts with very feasible categories. (2) The results of the attractiveness test are based on students' responses to the product trial of 90%, 92% trial use with very interesting categories. (3) The results of the effectiveness test on product trials, the results of observation of teacher activities amounted to 96% and the results of observations of student activities amounted to 88.6%. In the trial use, the results of the observation of teacher activities amounted to 100%, the results of observations of student activities amounted to 90% with a very effective category. (4) Practical test results based on teacher responses of 88% with very practical categories. The conclusions of the study are the local wisdom books based on Madura fishing communities that are very suitable to be used in PKn learning material "has pride as an Indonesian nation" in class III SDN Pangeranan V Bangkalan.

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