Detail Karya Ilmiah
A STUDY OF TURN-TAKING STRATEGIES IN CRAZY RICH ASIANS MOVIEPenulis : ADIB KURNIAWANDosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum.Dosen Pembimbing II :Abstraksi
This study aims to explain the kinds of turn-taking strategies and linguistic markers that are used by main character in Crazy Rich Asians Movie. The data are identified and analyzed based on the theory of the kinds of turn-taking strategies proposed by Stenstrom (1994), and the linguistic markers proposed by Stenstrom (1994). This study was conducted by applying a qualitative research design proposed by Denzin and Lincoln (2005). The data of this study were the utterances that contain kinds and linguistic markers of turn-taking strategies. The data were collected by using content analysis. In analyzing the data, the writer used interactive data analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994). In finding, to answer the first research problem, the writer obtained 33 data belonging to kind of turn-taking strategies. The 33 data are classified into three strategies. The first, taking the turn are (16 times) which are classified into the starting up (4 data) and taking over (12 data). The second is holding the turn which is classified into stalling (7 times). The third is yielding the turn (10 times) which is classified into prompting (4 times), Appealing (3 times), and Giving up (3 times). The writer also found kinds of linguistic marker in A Crazy Rich Asian. There are 33 data of linguistic markers which are classified into taking the turn (16 data), holding the turn (7 data), and yielding the turn (10 data). Keywords: Kinds and linguistic markers of Turn-taking Strategies, Crazy Rich Asians Movie.
AbstractionThis study aims to explain the kinds of turn-taking strategies and linguistic markers that are used by main character in Crazy Rich Asians Movie. The data are identified and analyzed based on the theory of the kinds of turn-taking strategies proposed by Stenstrom (1994), and the linguistic markers proposed by Stenstrom (1994). This study was conducted by applying a qualitative research design proposed by Denzin and Lincoln (2005). The data of this study were the utterances that contain kinds and linguistic markers of turn-taking strategies. The data were collected by using content analysis. In analyzing the data, the writer used interactive data analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994). In finding, to answer the first research problem, the writer obtained 33 data belonging to kind of turn-taking strategies. The 33 data are classified into three strategies. The first, taking the turn are (16 times) which are classified into the starting up (4 data) and taking over (12 data). The second is holding the turn which is classified into stalling (7 times). The third is yielding the turn (10 times) which is classified into prompting (4 times), Appealing (3 times), and Giving up (3 times). The writer also found kinds of linguistic marker in A Crazy Rich Asian. There are 33 data of linguistic markers which are classified into taking the turn (16 data), holding the turn (7 data), and yielding the turn (10 data). Keywords: Kinds and linguistic markers of Turn-taking Strategies, Crazy Rich Asians Movie.