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  • An Analysis of Maxims in Radio Star Episode 506: I'm So Sorry but I Love You BIGBANG Talk Show Program
    Penulis : Tia Aprilianti Putri
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Masduki, M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    This study aims to analyze what kinds of observance and non-observance of maxims appeared in Radio Star Episode 506: I’m So Sorry but I Love You BIGBANG Talk Show Program. The writer uses Korean talk show program as the source of data due to the booming of Korean Pop-Culture or commonly known as Hallyu Wave in Indonesia. The data of this study is the utterance from both the hosts and the guests of the talk show program. According to the data finding, there are four observance maxims found in the source of the data, they are maxim of quantity (10 data), maxims of quality (5 data), maxims of relation (5 data), and maxims of manner (2 data). On the other hand, non-observance maxims are also in Radio Star Episode 506: I’m So Sorry but I Love You BIGBANG, they are flouting maxim of quantity (4 data), flouting maxim of quality (4 data), flouting maxim of relation (4 data), flouting maxim of manner (4 data), violating maxim of quantity (2 data), violating maxim of quality (1 data), violating maxim of relation (2 data), violating maxim of manner (1 data), Opting-out (2 data), and Infringing (1 data). Keywords: Communication, Maxims, Pragmatics, Radio Star, Talk Show


    This study aims to analyze what kinds of observance and non-observance of maxims appeared in Radio Star Episode 506: I’m So Sorry but I Love You BIGBANG Talk Show Program. The writer uses Korean talk show program as the source of data due to the booming of Korean Pop-Culture or commonly known as Hallyu Wave in Indonesia. The data of this study is the utterance from both the hosts and the guests of the talk show program. According to the data finding, there are four observance maxims found in the source of the data, they are maxim of quantity (10 data), maxims of quality (5 data), maxims of relation (5 data), and maxims of manner (2 data). On the other hand, non-observance maxims are also in Radio Star Episode 506: I’m So Sorry but I Love You BIGBANG, they are flouting maxim of quantity (4 data), flouting maxim of quality (4 data), flouting maxim of relation (4 data), flouting maxim of manner (4 data), violating maxim of quantity (2 data), violating maxim of quality (1 data), violating maxim of relation (2 data), violating maxim of manner (1 data), Opting-out (2 data), and Infringing (1 data). Keywords: Communication, Maxims, Pragmatics, Radio Star, Talk Show

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