Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • An Analysis of Deixis in Donald Trump's Speech Entitled 'Trump's State of the Union'
    Penulis : Dwi Mujiati
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Sriyono, S.S., M.Hum.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT This study focuses on the type of deixis and the reference meaning expressed by Donald Trump in his speech by title “Trump’s State of the Union on January 30, 2018.” This study is conducted by the writer to explain the types of deixis and reference meaning found from Donald Trump’s utterance in his speech. The writer uses some theories to analyze the data. The source of data was accessed on February 21, 2018. The writer herself is used as research instrument in this study. The writer also uses content analysis method as method of data collection and interactive model of data analysis to analyze the data. After classifying and analyzing the data, the writer found 71 data in the finding. The writer found five types of deixis in Donald Trump speech, they are person deixis (43), time deixis (14), place deixis (8), discourse deixis (2), and social deixis (4). In addition, the writer also found the reference meaning surrounding of text or utterance itself. It can be conducted that the speaker uses all type of deixis in his utterance from his speech. Keywords: Deixis, Reference Meaning, Donald Trump, Speech.

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