Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Imam Hasan
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Arik Kurniawati, S.KOM., M.T.;
    Dosen Pembimbing II : Ari Kusumaningsih, S.T., M.T.

    Anak Autis memerlukan bimbingan khusus dalam berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi, misalnya melalui media edukasi dan komunikasi yang secara khusus menangani anak autis. Pada saat ini perkembangan penerapan teknologi virtual reality banyak digunakan di berbagai bidang salah satunya sebagai media edukasi anak autis. Teknologi virtual reality dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu media terapi bagi anak anak penderita autis. Peneliti sebelumnya telah menyoroti bahwa pembelajaran berbasis virtual reality lingkungan, lingkungan simulasi komputer, dapat mempermudah proses belajar di kalangan anak autis. Aplikasi virtual reality ini dapat membantu anak autis untuk mengenali lingkungan sekolah khususnya ruangan kelas. Pengujian dari penelitian ini menggunakan heuristic evaluation yakni untuk user experience dan user interface. Hasil akhir prosentase yang diperoleh untuk user experience adalah prosentase tertinggi indikator interest sebanyak 81,33% sedangkan terendah indikator control 70%. Hasil akhir prosentase yang diperoleh untuk user interface adalah prosentase tertinggi indikator match between system and the real world sebanyak 91% sedangkan terendah indikator use control and freedom 52%.


    Autistic children need special guidance in interacting and communicating, for example through education and communication media that specifically deal with autistic children. At this time the development of the application of virtual reality technology is widely used in various fields one of which is as an educational medium for autistic children. Virtual reality technology can be used as a therapeutic medium for children with autism. Previous researchers have highlighted that a virtual reality based learning environment, a computer simulation environment, can simplify the learning process among autistic children. This virtual reality application can help autistic children to recognize the school environment, especially classrooms. Tests from this study use heuristic evaluation which is for user experience and user interface. The final percentage obtained for user experience is the highest percentage of interest indicators as much as 81.33% while the lowest control indicators are 70%. The final percentage obtained for the user interface is the highest percentage of match between system and the real world indicator as much as 91% while the lowest indicator is use control and freedom 52%.

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