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  • Abstraksi

    Yellow Band Disease merupakan salah satu penyakit karang yang menginfeksi karang Montipora sp. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang bakteri yang dapat menghambat bakteri patogen Yellow Band Disease serta jenis bakteri secara molekuler. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober – Desember 2017. Sampel diambil di perairan Gili Labak, Sumenep. Analisa sampel di Laboratorium Biologi UTM, analisa PCR di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Laut Tropis UNDIP. Bakteri diisolasi dengan metode pour plate. Uji antibakteri menggunakaan metode overlay dan difusi agar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bakteri patogen yang diujikan dengan bakteri karang sehat Montipora sp. memiliki zona hambat dengan kategori kekuatan lemah. Lima isolat bakteri yang diperoleh dari hasil isolasi bakteri karang sehat diujikan dengan bakteri patogen Vibrio inhibens dan Pseudoalteromonas rubra dengan hasil ada empat isolat yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Analisa menggunakan BLAST memperoleh hasil isolat bakteri M1 (M_10-51) memiliki homolog sebesar 96% dengan bakteri Virgibacillus salarius, isolat M2 (M_10-52) memiliki homolog 90% dengan bakteri Virgibacillus sp., isolat M3 (M_10-71) memiliki homolog 85% dengan bakteri Bacillus lichiformis, dan isolat M4 (M_10-72) memiliki homolog sebesar 95% dengan bakteri Virgibacillus salarius. Hasil analisa filogenetik isolat M1 (M_10-51) identik dengan bakteri Virgibacillus salarius dengan nilai boostrap 100%. Isolat M2 (M_10-52) identik dengan Virgibacillus sp. dengan nilai boostrap 89%. Isolat M4 (M_10-72) identik terhadap bakteri Virgibacillus salarius dengan nilai boostrap 100%. Pohon filogenetik isolat M3 (M_10-71) tergolong dalam outgroup bakteri Bacillus liciformis, Bacillus paralicheriformis, Bacillus sonorensis, Bacillus permians, Virgibacillus sp., Virgibacillus salarius, dan Virgibacillus marismortui.


    Yellow Band Disease is a coral disease that infects Montipora sp. This study aims to obtain information about bacteria that can inhibit Yellow Band Disease pathogenic bacteria and molecular types of bacteria. The study was conducted in October - December 2017. Samples were taken in the waters of Gili Labak, Sumenep. Sample analysis at the UTM Biology Laboratory , PCR analysis at the UNDIP Tropical Marine Biotechnology Laboratory. Bacteria are isolated by pour plate method. Antibacterial tests use agar overlay and diffusion methods. The results showed that the pathogen bacteria were tested with healthy coral bacteria Montipora sp. Has a inhibitory zone with a weak strength category. Five bacterial isolates obtained from bacterial isolation il has healthy coral tested with pathogenic bacteria Vibrio inhibens and Pseudoalteromonas rubra with the results of four isolates that possess antibacterial activity. Analysis using BLAST obtained the results of M1 bacterial isolates (M_10 -5 1) having homologous 96% withVirgibacillus salarius bacteria , M2 isolates (M_10 -5 2) having 90% homologous with the bacteria Virgibacillus sp., M3 isolates (M_10 -7 1) has homologous 85% with Bacillus lichiformis bacteria , and M4 isolates (M_10 -7 2) have homologous 95% with Virgibacillus salarius bacteria . The results of phylogenetic analysis isolates M1 (M_10 -5 1) is identical to the bacteria Virgibacillus salarius with boostrap value of 100%. M2 isolate (M_10 -5 2) is identical to Virgibacillus sp. with 89% boostrap value. Isolate M4 (M_10 -7 2) is identical to the Virgibacillus salarius bacteria with a 100% boostrap value. Phylogenetic tree M3 isolates (M_10 -7 1) belong to outgroups of Bacillus liciformis, Bacillus paralicheriformis, Bacillus sonorensis, Bacillus permians, Virgibacillus sp., Virgibacillus salarius, and Virgibacillus marismortui.

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