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  • Kriteria Kelayakan Tanah Tambak Garam Tradisional Berdasarkan Kadar Magnesium, Tekstur Dan Warna Tanah di Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep
    Penulis : TAUFAN AFIAT
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. H. Mahfud Efendy, S.Pi., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Kabupaten Sumenep memiliki lahan penggaraman seluas 5.131,8 ha, ±2.595 ha milik PT. Garam dan petani garam rakyat memiliki sisanya (Efendy 2012). Sentra penghasil garam terbesar di Kabupaten Sumenep terletak di Kecamatan Kalianget dengan total luas lahan 2.110,6 ha. Kalianget merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang berada diujung timur Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui layak tidaknya tambak garam berdasarkan kandungan magnesium pada tanah, tekstur tanah dan warna tanah di tambak garam tradisional Desa Karang Anyar Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep. Pengambilan sampel sedimen menggunakan bor sedimen sedalam 0-100 cm pada tiga titik lokasi yaitu dekat pemukiman, tengah dan dekat laut. Sampel sedimen di uji analisis kandungan magnesium menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) di Laboratorium Tanah Agroteknologi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura dan untuk uji analisis tekstur tanah dan warna tanah sampel di analisa di Laboratorium Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Nilai kandungan magnesium pada titik lokasi dekat pemukiman sebesar 0,338 me/100g, titik lokasi tengah (lapisan 1) sebesar 0,340 me/100g, tengah (lapisan 2) sebesar 0,338 me/100g dan titik lokasi dekat laut sebesar 0,339 me/100g. Tekstur tanah pada ketiga lokasi tersebut dominan bertekstur lempung (silt) dengan nilai berturut-turut 98,810%, 95,187%, 92,353% dan 94,958%. Warna tanah pada ketiga lokasi tersebut mempunyai notasi warna dan nama warna berturut-turut yaitu 5Y 5/3 BG berarti Olive, 2.5Y 6/3 berarti Light Yellowish Brown, 2.5Y 6/3 berarti Light Yellowish Brown, dan 2.5Y 6/4 berarti Light Yellowish Brown. Dari ketiga nilai tersebut pada lokasi dekat pemukiman mempunyai nilai kesesuaian S1, lokasi tengah dan dekat laut mempunyai nilai kesesuaian S2. Jadi, ketiga lokasi tersebut layak untuk dijadikan tambak garam. Kata Kunci: Tambak garam, Kandungan Magnesium, Tekstur Tanah, Warna Tanah


    Sumenep Regency has a land area of 5,131.8 ha and ± 2,595 ha owned by PT. Salt salt farmers and the people have a rest (Efendy 2012). The largest salt-producing centers in the Regency of Sumenep in Kalianget with total land area 2,110.6 ha. Kalianget is one of the subdistricts which are tanks on the East of the County of Sumenep. This research aims to find out whether or not worthy of embankment salt based on the content of magnesium in the soil, soil texture and the color of the soil in embankment salt traditional Later Coral Village Sub District Kalianget Sumenep. Sediment sampling using a drill as deep as 0-100 cm of sediments on a three-point location IE near settlements, the middle and near the sea. Test analysis on the sediment content of magnesium using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (SSA) in the laboratory of the University's Agrotechnology Land Trunojoyo Madura and to test the analysis of soil texture and the color of the soil samples analyzed in the Laboratory Sciences Marine University Trunojoyo Madura. The value of the content of magnesium at the point location near the settlement of 0.338 me/100 g, point to the location of the middle (Layer 1) of 0.340 me/100 g, middle (Layer 2) of 0.338 me/100 g and point the location near the sea of 0.339 me/100 g. Soil texture on the third location of the dominant clay-textured (silt) and consecutive value 98,810%, 95,187%, 92,353% dan 94,958%. The color of the soil at the location had a third color notation and the name of the color in a row i.e. 5Y 5/3 meaning Olive, 2.5Y 6/3 means Light Yellowish Brown, 2.5Y 6/3means Yellowish Brown, and 2.5Y 6/3means Light Yellowish Brown. The three values at a location close to the settlement has a value of conformity S1, the location of the middle and near the sea has a suitability value of S2. So, these three locations are worthy of being used as salt ponds. Key Words: Pond Salt, Levels of Magnesium, Texture of Soil, Color of Soil, Sumenep

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