Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Rina Suciari
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. H. Mahfud Efendy., S.Pi., M.Sc.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Kalianget merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang terdapat di kabupaten Sumenep yang terletak di ujung pulau Madura.Kalianget merupakan kecamatan yang termasuk penghasil garam di kabupaten Sumenep.Garam yang dihasilkan masih banyak yang menggunakan tambak garam secara tradisional.Pengambilan sampel sedimen menggunakan bor sedimen sedalam 0-100 cm pada tiga titik lokasi yaitu dekat pemukiman, tengah dan dekat laut.Sampel sedimen di uji analisis kandungan kalsium menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) di Laboratorium Tanah Agroteknologi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura dan untuk uji analisis tekstur tanah dan warna tanah sampel di analisa di Laboratorium Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Tekstur tanah pada ketiga lokasi tersebut dominan bertekstur lempung (silt) dengan nilai berturut-turut 94,285%, 95,951%, 87,755% dan 91,176%.Warna tanah pada ketiga lokasi tersebut mempunyai notasi warna dan nama warna berturut-turut yaitu Gley2 4/5 BG berarti Dark Greenish Gray, Gley2 4/5 BG berarti Dark Greenish Gray, 5Y 6/3 berarti Yellow Olive, dan 5Y 5/6 berarti Olive. Nilai kandungan kalsium pada titik lokasi dekat pemukiman sebesar 695x10-3 me/100g, titik lokasi tengah (lapisan 1) sebesar 645x10-3 me/100g, tengah (lapisan 2) sebesar 295x10-3 me/100g dan titik lokasi dekat laut sebesar 405x10-3 me/100g.Dilihat dari kandungan kalsium yang rendah, tanah yang berdominan silt, dan warna tanah yang gelap bahwa tanah tambak garam tradisional di Karanganyar Kalianget tanahnya dikatakan layak sebagai tambak garam.


    Kalianget is one district in Sumenep Regency located at the tip of the Madura Island. Kalianget is a salt producer district in Sumenep. The resulting salts are still using the traditional salt farm. Sediment sampling using a drill as deep as 0-100 cm of sediments on a three-point location near settlements, the middle and near the sea. Sediment in test analysis of the content of calcium using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) in the Soil Laboratory of the Agrotechnology Program and for the analysis test of the soil’s texture and the soil’s color, the samples analyzed in the Laboratory of Marine Science Program, Trunojoyo University of Madura. Soil texture on the third location is dominated by clay-textured (silt) with consecutive value 94.285%, 87.755%, 95.951% and 91.176%. The color of the soil at the location had a third color notation and consecutive name. They are BG 4/5 Gley2 meaning Dark Greenish Gray, Gley2 4/5 BG means Dark Greenish Gray, 5Y 6/3 means Yellow Olive, and 5Y 5/6 means Olive. The value of the calcium’s content on location point near the settlement is 695x10-3 me/100 g, on the middle point (Layer 1) is 645x10-3 me/100 g, middle point (Layer 2) of the 3 295x10 me/100 g and point the location near the sea of 405x10-3 me/100 g. From the analysis, it means that the content of calcium is low because the soil dominated by silt, and the color is dark so traditional salt farmlands in Karanganyar Kalianget land are worth it as the salt farm.

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