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  • Kajian Fisikokimia, Sensoris Dan Kelayakan Finansial Cookies Tepung Kulit Tauge Kacang Hijau Dan Tepung Tempe
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Mohammad Fuad FM., S.TP. M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Ir. H. Asfan, MP

    Cookies atau biasa masyarakat Indonesia menyebutnya kue kering merupakan salah satu makanan ringan.tepung kulit tauge kacang hijau dan tepung tempe dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuatan cookies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter fisikokimia, sensoris dan kelayakan finansial usaha cookies.Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 2 faktor proporsi tepungkulit tauge kacang hijau dan tepung tempe dengan level sebagai berikut A (20:70), B (40:50), C (60:30), D (80:10), E (70:20), F (50:40), G (30:60), H (10:80). Karakteristik fisik menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kekerasan (hardness) berkisar dari 1,61-3,90. Tingkat kekerasan terendah1,61 pada proporsi tepung kulit tauge dan tepung tempe (10:80) dan tertinggi 3,09 proporsi (80:10). Karakteristik kimiawi cookies tepung kulit tauge dan tepung tempe menunjukkan bahwa kadar air berkisar 2,633-5,833% melebihi SNI maksimum 5%., kadar protein berkisar 2,8436-6,0654% melebihi maksimum SNI 6% dan kadar serat berkisar dari 34,9333-75,6833% melebihi SNI maksimum 0,5%. Proporsi tepung kulit tauge dan tepung tempe berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap hardness, rasa, warna, tekstur, aroma dan kesukaan keseluruhan. Hasil analisis financial usaha cookies tepung kulit tauge dan tepung tempe didapatkan nilai BEP Rp 10.797, nilai NPVRp 186.645.349, payback periode 1 tahun 4 bulan bulan dan Net B/C 1,85 sehingga usaha dapat dijalankan. Kata kunci :Cookies tepung kulit tauge dan tempe, uji fisikokimia, sensoris dan finansial.


    Cookies or what is commonly called by the Indonesian as “kue kering”, is one of a snack product. Mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour can be used as the ingredient in making cookies. This study aims to find out the physico-chemical characteristics, sensory characteristics and the financial feasibility of a cookies enterprise. The research method used in this study is a Randomized Group Design (RGD) with 2 factors: the proportion of mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour by the following levels: A (20:70), B (40:50), C (60:30), D (80:10), E (70:20), F (50:40), G (30:60), H (10:80). The physical characteristics shows that the hardness level of the cookies ranges from 1,61-3,90. The lowest hardness level of the mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour proportion (10:80) is 1,61 and the highest hardness level of the proportion (80:10) is 3,90. The chemical characteristics of the mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour cookies show that the value of the water content is in 2,633-5,833% range, exceeding the SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia or Indonesian National Standard) maximum level (5%), the protein content is in 2,8436-6,0654% range, exceeding the SNI maximum level (6%), and the fiber content is in 34,9333-75,6833% range, exceeding the SNI maximum level (0,5%). The proportion of mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour clearly affects (p<0,05) the hardness level, taste, color, texture, smells and the overall contentment of the cookies. The results of the financial feasibility test show that mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour cookies enterprise has: Rp 10.797 BEP, positive NPV (Rp 186.645.349), faster payback period (16 months), and Net B/C value is higher than one (Net B/C>1) that is 1,85 which suggests that this enterprise is good to be run. Key Words: Mung bean husk flour and soybean cake flour cookies, Physico-chemical test, sensory analysis and financial feasibility test.

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