Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : MEGA SULFIA
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr Mardiyah Hayati SP,. MP
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Mega Sulfia. 140321100016. Motivasi Dan Persepsi Peternak Sapi Potong Terhadap Program Inseminasi Buatan (IB) Di Desa Dumajah. Dibawah Bimbingan Dr Mardiyah Hayati, SP,. MP ABSTRAK Adanya program Inseminasi Buatan (IB) memberi kemudahan dalam meningkatkan populasi sapi serta bobot sapi yang lebih berat dibanding sapi lokal sehingga harga jual lebih tinggi juga. Namun disisi lain masih ada peternak yang masih tertutup terhadap program IB, karena ingin mempertahankan kemurnian sapi lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi dan persepsi peternak IB dan non IB terhadap Program Inseminasi Buatan dan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat motivasi dan persepsi peternak terhadap Program Inseminasi Buatan (IB). Jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 peternak baik yang menggunakan Inseminasi Buatan maupun yang tidak. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, skala likert dan korelasi rank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat motivasi peternak IB dan non IB terhadap Program Inseminasi Buatan termasuk kategori cukup baik (858), sedangkan Persepsi peternak IB dan non IB terhadap Program Inseminasi Buatan (IB) tergolong kategori cukup baik (1.113). Terdapat hubungan sedang (rs=0,544) antara motivasi variabel sosial dengan perepsi peternak terhadap Program Inseminasi Buatan (IB). Sedangkan motivasi variabel ekonomi tergolong hubungan yang lemah dengan nilai rank spearman sebesar 0,402. Kata kunci: Motivasi, Persepsi,Hubungan Motivasi dan Persepsi


    Mega Sulfia. 140321100016. Motivation And Perception Of Cattle Ranchers On Artificial Insemination Program (IB) In Dumajah Village. Supervised by Mardiyah Hayati, SP., MP. ABSTRACT The existence of artificial Insemination program (IB) gives ease in increasing the population of cattle and heavier cattle weight than local cattle so that the selling price is higher too. But on the other hand there are still farmers who are still closed to the IB program, because it wants to maintain the purity of local cattle. This research aims to know the level of motivation and perception of the breeders of the IB and non-IB against artificial insemination Programs and to know the relationship of the level of motivation and perception of the breeders towards the artificial insemination Programme (IB). The number of samples as many as 32 good breeders use artificial insemination or not. The method used is descriptive analysis, likert scale and spearman rank correlation. The results showed that the motivation level of IB and non IB breeders on the artificial insemination program was good enough category (858), while the perception of IB and non IB breeders on the artificial insemination program (IB) was quite good category (1.113). There is a moderate relationship (rs 0,544) between the motivation of social variables and farmers' perception of the Artificial Insemination Program (IB). While the motivation of economic variable classified as weak relationship with rank spearman value equal to 0,402. Key words: Motivation, Perception, The Relationship Of Motivation And Perception Of The Breeders

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