Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Rieke Ayu Safitri
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Elys Fauziah. SP., MP
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Mardiyah Hayati. SP., MP

    Supply Chain adalah jaringan-jaringan perusahaan yang secara bersamaan bekerja untuk menciptakan (menghasilkan) dan menghantarkan suatu produk ketangan pemakai akhir. Turbo Sakti merupakan industri Keripik Singkong yang berada di Kecamatan Manding Kabupaten Sumenep. Hasil olahan keripik singkong Turbo Sakti dipasarkan oleh seles kepada toko/ritel hingga kepada konsumen akhir. Namun sampai saat ini kinerja karyawan dan sarana dan prasarana pada perusahaan tersebut masih kurang atau terbilang rendah. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghadapi pesaing dan bertahan dalam produksi keripik singkong adalah dengan mengetahui dan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan, mulai dari sisi hulu sampai hilir. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan konsep pengukuran kinerja Supply Chain manajement (SCM). Hasil pengukuran kinerja Supply chain manajementpada Turbo Sakti sebesar 64,74 masuk dalam kategori Average (rata-rata). Waktu mengidentifikasi kinerja karyawan dan jangka waktu penjadwalan produksi dalam kegiatan perencanaan masih rendah karena kualitas produk menjadi faktor utama dalam kegiatan produksi. Kegiatan pengadaan bahan bakumengandalkan tiga supplier untuk setiap kebutuhan bahan baku dan tingkat pemenuhan persediaan produk jadi siap kirim masih rendah karena produk yang dihasilkan tidak langsung habis tetapi menunggu sales untuk mengirim produk ke toko (ritel). Kata kunci: Supply Chain Manajemen, Keripik Singkong, Turbo Sakti


    Supply Chainis a network of companies that simulta neously work to creat (produce) anddeliver a product to theenduser Turbo Sakti is a cassava chips industry in Manding District, Sumenep Regency. Processed Turbo Sakti cassavachips are marketedbyselestostores / retail toendconsumers. But until now the performance of employees and facilities and infrastructure at the company is still lacking or fairlylow. One way to deal with competitors and survive in the production of cassava chips is to know and improve the performance of the company, starting from the up stream to down stream. One of them is byusing theconceptof measuring Supply Chain Management (SCM). The resultsof measurement of supply chain management atTurbo Sakti were 64.74 in the Average category. When identify in planning activities is still low because product qualityis a majorfactor in production activities. The procurement of rawmaterials relieson three suppliers for eachraw material requirement and the level off ulfillment of finised (produce) anddeliver a product to the enduser. Turbo Sakti is a cassava chips industry in Manding District, Sumenep Regency. Now the performance of employees and facilities and infrastructure at the companyis still lacking or fairly low. One way to deal with competitors and survive in the production of cassava chips is toknow and improve the performance of the company, starting from the up stream to down stream. One of them is by using the concept of measuring Supply Chain Management (SCM). The results of measurement of supply chain management at Turbo Sakti were 64.74 in the Average category. When identifying employee performance and the periodof production scheduling in planning activitiesis still low because product quality is a majorfactor in production activities. The procurement of rawmaterial srelieson three suppliers for eachraw material requirement and the level of fu lfill men t of finished product supplies ready to send isstill low because the products produceddo not runout but wait for the sales to send products to thestore (retail). Keywords: Supply ChainManagement, CassavaChips, Turbo Sakti

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