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    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ir. Amin Zuchri, M.P
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Didik Sucahyono,S.P,. M.P

    Matriconditioning merupakan perlakuan untuk meningkatkan viabilitas benih yang telah mengalami deteriorasi. Matriconditioning dapat dikombinasikan dengan rhizobium agar membantu penambahan unsur N pada tanaman juga fungisida untuk perlakuan benih pra tanam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh matriconditioning dan penutup lubang tanam pada pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L). Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium mikrobiologi dan rumah kaca Balitkabi, Malang selama 45 hari (April – Juni 2018) menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan 2 faktor perlakuan. Faktor A adalah penutup lubang tanam dan faktor B adalah matriconditioning. Kombinasi perlakuan diperoleh 42 plot percobaan. Perlakuan matriconditioning dengan rhizobium dan fungisida diaplikasikan selama 12 jam sebelum benih ditanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh perlakuan matriconditioning yang memberikan respon positif serta meningkatkan jumlah bintil akar efektif tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L) sebanyak 31% dibanding kontrol meningkatkan berat kering brangkasan sebanyak 56%. Kombinasi perlakuan yang meningkatkan jumlah bintil akar sebanyak 41% adalah A1B3 (penutup tanah dan matriconditioning) dan perlakuan A2B1 (penutup kompos dan rhizobium) meningkatkan berat kering brangkasan sebanyak 56%. Kata kunci : Deteriorasi, Matriconditioning, Rhizobium


    Matriconditioning is a treatment to increase the viability of deteriorate seeds. Matriconditioning of soybean seeds it is combined by rhizobium may increase N element in plants as well as fungisida for pre-plant seed treatment. The purpose of this study is to know the influence of matriconditioning and planting hole cover in soybean plants (Glycine max L) growth. This study was conducted in microbiology laboratory and the greenhouse Balitkabi, Malang for 45 days (April – July 2018), the research use a Factorial Design Randomized with 2 treatment actors. A factor is the planting hole cover and B factor is matriconditioning. The treatment combination was obtained 42 plot trials. Matriconditioning treatment with rhizobium and fungisida were applied for 12 hours before the seeds were planted. The result of this study indicates that the influence of matriconditioning treatment which gives positive response and to increase the number of the effective roots nodules of soybean plant (Glycine max L) as much as 31% than the control to increase the dry weight of plants as much as 56%. The treatment combination has increased the number of roots nodule as much as 41% are A1B3 (land cover and matriconditioning) and A 2B1 treatment (compost cover and rhizobium) increases dry weight brangkasan as much as 56%. Keywords : Deteriorate, Matriconditioning, Rhizobium

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