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  • Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Kepuasan kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. (Studi Pada Crew Kapal Bagian Mesin PT Pelindo Marine Service Surabaya),
    Penulis : CAHYONO, SSiT
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Hj. Iriani Ismail, Dra., MM.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Ir. Nurita Andriani, MM.

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan, budaya orgainsasi dan kepuasan kerja baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap kinerja Crew kapal bagian mesin di PT Pelindo Marine Service. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden dengan status pegawai perbantuan Pelindo III.dengan sampel 80 responden dengan tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Rumus Slovin. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS 23 for windows Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda maka didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap variabel kinerja Crew kapal bagian mesin sebesar 0.0032. Untuk variabel budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap variabel kinerja sebesar 0.0132 dan variabel kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap variabel kinerja Crew kapal bagian mesin PT Pelindo Marine Service sebesar 0.0056. Secara simultan hasil kepemimpinan, budaya orgainsasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pada 0.77. Ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel kepemimpinan, budaya orgainsasi dan kepuasan kerja secara bersama-sama memberikan perubahan terhadap variabel kinerja Perusahaan sebesar 77%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 23% disebabkan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan peningkatan kinerja Crew kapal bagian mesin di PT Pelindo Marine Service. Kata Kunci: kepemimpinan, budaya orgainsasi dan kepuasan kerja dan kinerja karyawan


    This purposes of this study are to determine whether leadership, organizational culture and job satisfaction effect on the crews performance of bag ship engine parts at PT Pelindo Marine Service, simultaneously and partially. The population as many as 100 employees with the supporting employees status in Pelindo III. There are a number as 80 respondents sample with sampling technique by Slovin formula. The method used multiple linear regression analysis and SPSS 23. Based on this, the results showed that leadership variable has a positive and significant effect on the employees performance variable at 0.0032. The organizational culture variable has a positive and significant effect on the employees performance variable at 0.0132 and job satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on the employees performance variable at 0.0056. Simultaneously, the leadership, organizational culture and job satisfaction variables have a positive and significant effect on the employees performance at 0.77 It indicates that leadership, organizational culture and job satisfaction variables can provide changes to the employees performance variable of 77%, while the remaining 23% is effected by the other variables not examined in this study. Using this study, increasing and improving the performance of crews bag ship engine parts in PT Pelindo Marine Service can be raised. Keywords: leadership, organizational culture and job satisfaction and employees performance

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