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Pengaruh Hard Skill dan Soft Skill terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan (Studi Pada PT. Kimia FarmaTrading dan Distribution Surabaya).Penulis : Andi Setyo PandiyantoDosen Pembimbing I : Dr.Hj.Iriani Ismail,Dra.MMDosen Pembimbing II :Dr.Muh. Alkirom Wildan,SE.,MsiAbstraksi
PT. Kimia FarmaTradingdanDistributionCabang Surabaya merupakansalahsatuanakperusahaandari PT. Kimia Farma Terbuka yang bergerakdibidanglayanandistrubusidanperdaganganprodukkesehatan. Saatini PT. Kimia FarmaTradingdanDistributionCabang Surabaya melayaniperdaganganbaikditingkatapotik, rumahsakithinggakepasartradisional. Untukmenunjangpelayanannya, dibutuhkantenagakerja yang terampilbaikdalamkemampuanhard skillmaupunsoft skillnya. Dalampenelitianinipendekatan yang digunakanadalahkuantitatifdenganmetodestudikasus, dimanajumlahresponden yang digunakanadalahseluruhkaryawan PT. Kimia FarmaTradingdanDistributionCabang Surabaya yang berjumlah 30 orang. Adapuntujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuipengaruhhard skilldansoft skillterhadapproduktivitaskaryawan. Berdasarkanhasilanalisa yang dilakukandenganmenggunakan SPSS 22, didapatkanbahwakoefisienregresi (?) untukvariabelhard skillkaryawan (X1) bernilaipositif 0,176 dengannilaisigninfikansisebesar0,015 yang lebihkecildari (?)=0,05 sertahasilthitung2.596>ttabel 2,05183. Inimenunjukkanbahwahard skillberpengaruhpositifdansignifikanterhadapproduktivitaskaryawan PT. Kimia FarmaTradingdanDistributionCabang Surabaya. Sedangkanuntukvariabelsoft skill (X2) didapatkanhasilkoefisienregresi (?) sebesar 0,394 dengannilaisignifikansi0,000 yang lebihkecildaritingkatsignifikan (?)=0,05. Untuknilaithitung8,141>ttabel 2,05183. Inijugamenunjukkanbahwavariabel soft skill berpengaruhpositifdansignifikanterhadapproduktifitaskaryawan PT. Kimia FarmaTradingdanDistributionCabang Surabaya. Secarasimultanvariabelhard skilldansoft skilljugaberpengaruhpositifterhadapproduktivitaskaryawandengannilaiFhitung67,100>F tabel3,354dantarafsignifikansisebesar0,015 yang lebihkecildari (?)=0,05. Variabelhard skill dansoft skillmempunyaipengaruh yang samabesarterhadapproduktivitaskaryawan. Namunvariabelsoft skillmempunyaiperan yang lebihdominan, yang ditunjukkanolehkoefisien ? sebesar 0.759. Sedangkanvariabelhard skill nilaikoefisien beta?hanya 0,242. Kata Kunci :Hard Skill, Soft Skill, ProduktivitasKaryawan, Perusahaan Farmasi
AbstractionABSTRACT AndiSetyoPandiyanto, The Effect Of Hard Skill And Soft Skill On Employee Productivity (Study at PT. Kimia FarmaTrading and Distribution Surabaya). Under the guidance of Dr.Hj. Iriani Ismail, Dra.MM and Dr. Muh. AlkiromWildan, SE.,Msi. PT. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Surabaya is one of the subsidiaries of PT. Kimia Farma Terbuka iin which distribution and trading services of health products. Now it serves trade at the pharmacy, hospital until traditional markets. Supporting this services, it takes a workforce that is skilled both in their hard skills and soft skills. This study used quantitative method, with the number of respondents were 30 employees that all employees of PT. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Branch Surabaya. The purposes of this study are to determine the effect of hard skills and soft skills on employees productivity, partially and simultaneously. Then, which both that is dominantly effect on employees productivity. Using the multiple regression analysis, the results showed that the regression coefficient (?) of hard skill variable (X1) is a positive value is 0.176 with a significance value is 0.015 < (?) = 0.05 and tcount 2.596 > t table 2,05183. It showed that hard skills has a positive and significant effect on employees productivity in PT. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Surabaya. The regression coefficient (?) of soft skill variable (X2) is 0.394 with a significance value is 0,000 which < (?) = 0.05. The tcount 8.141> t table 2.05183. It is also showed that the soft skill variable has a positive and significant effect on employees productivity in PT. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Surabaya. Simultaneously, hard skill and soft skill variables also have a positive and significant effect on employees productivity with Fcount 67,100> F table3,354 and significance level is 0,015 which is < (?) = 0,05. Both variables have effect on employee productivity. But, the soft skill variable is dominantly effect on it which is indicated by the ? is 0.759 > hard skill variable ? is 0.242. Keywords: Hard Skill, Soft Skill, Employees Productivity
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