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  • PENUKARAN VALUTA ASING DALAM PRESPEKTIF AKAD AS – SARF (Study Kasus Di Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Lamongan)
    Penulis : Carina Nur Baha
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Abdur Rohman, S.Ag., M.EI
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Penelitian dengan judul Penukaran Valuta Asing Dalam Prespektif Akad As-S?arf (Studi Kasus di Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Lamongan) yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penukaran valuta asing dalam prespektif akad as- s?arf. Jenis penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat analisis deskriptif, yaitu penelitian yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subyek penelitian, yakni penukaran valuta asing dalamprespektifakadas- s?arf, sumber data yang didapat yaitu dari data wawancara. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara semi terstruktuk dengan subjek 5 karyawan dan 1 nasabah yang ada di Bank Syariah Mandiri, yakni terdiri dari Branch Operation and Service Manager, General Support Staf, Teller, dan Costumer Service. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan Penukaran Valuta Asing Dalam Prespektif Akad As-S?arfdi bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Lamongan adalah menggunakan dua nilai tukar yaitu nilai tukar riil dan nilai tukar nominal sedangkan metode dalam penentuan nilai tukar menggunakan metode exchange rate yang dipengaruhi oleh permintaan dan penawaran, dan ditentukan oleh proses peredaran mata uang yang ditentukan bank dan para banker-banker dengan asumsi-asumsi gejala salah satunya inflasi suatu negara. Dan praktek jual beli valuta asing di Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Lamongan sudah sesuai akad as- s?arf.. Kata Kunci :Kurs, Valuta Asing, As- S?arf


    Research entitled "Exchange of Foreign Exchange" in the Prespective of the As-?arf (Case Study at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Lamongan) aimed at knowing the exchange of foreign currency in the perspective of the as- ?raf contract. The type of research used qualitative research which is descriptive analysis, that is research which intend to understand the phenomenon about what is experienced by research subject, that is the Exchange of Foreign Exchange in the Prespective of the As-?arf the data source obtained is from the interview data. Data collection using semi-structured interview technique with the subject of 5 employees and 1 customer in Bank Syariah Mandiri, which consists of Branch Operation and Service Manager, General Support Staff, Teller, and Costumer Service. The results of this study indicate Exchange of Foreign Exchange In Prespective Akad As-?arf in Syariah Mandiri Bank Lamongan Branch Office is using two exchange rates namely the real exchange rate and nominal exchange rate while the method in the determination of exchange rates using the exchange rate method influenced by demand and supply, And determined by the process of currency circulation determined by banks and bankers with the assumptions of symptoms one of which inflation of a country. And the practice of buying and selling foreign currencies in Bank Syariah Mandiri Lamongan Office Branch is in accordance akad as- ?arf .. Keywords: Exchange Rate, Foreign Exchange, As- ?arf

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