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    Penulis : Yudhistira Permana Putra
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Moch. Kautsar Sophan, S.Kom., M.MT
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Wanda Ramansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd

    Materi Algoritma Pemrograman adalah materi yang tercantum pada kompetensi dasar kurikulum 13 dan wajib diberikan kepada seluruh siswa SMK kelas X jurusan Teknik Komputer Jaringan. Saat peneliti melakukan observasi di SMK Nurul Amanah, hasil tersebut menyatakan bahwa media pembelajaran yang digunakan masih kurang karena guru masih menggunakan buku cetak. Jika media pembelajaran berupa buku cetak tidak mendukung dan tidak mampu menyampaikan informasi dengan baik maka siswa akan merasa kesulitan dalam mengikuti dan memahami materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran game edukatif berbasis Role Playing Game untuk membantu proses belajar di SMK Nurul Amanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE). Adapun langkah-langkah penelitian adalah Analysis (menganalisis kebutuhan siswa, perumusan tujuan pembelajaran, perumusan butir materi, penyusunan instrumen evaluasi), Design (menulis naskah media), Development (membuat game edukatif), Implementation (penerapan produk di SMK Nurul Amanah), Evaluation (merumuskan hasil instrumen evaluasi). Hasil penelitian saat uji coba produk menunjukkan bahwa ahli media memperoleh nilai persentase 83% pada kategori “BAIK” dan Angket ahli materi memperoleh nilai persentase 86% pada kategori “BAIK” sedangkan angket siswa memperoleh nilai persentase 90% pada kategori “SANGAT BAIK”. Kesimpulan dari peneliti adalah media pembelajaran game edukatif dapat digunakan.


    This article illustrates preparation of your abstract using MS-WORD. Papers should not be numbered. The manuscript should be written in English. The length of manuscript should not exceed 15 pages in this format using B5- double-sided papers. The title page should include the succinct title, the authors, and an abstract of around 200 words at the beginning of the manuscript. The remainder of the paper should be typed in 10pt Times New Roman. Please set your margin before you type your article by looking at the page setup of this template. If you have any question on the format, please send a message to. Algorithm Programming is the material listed on the basic competencies of curriculum 13 and must be given to all students of vocational grade X majoring in Computer Network Engineering. When researchers do observations in SMK Nurul Amanah, the results stated that the learning media used is still less because the teacher is still using printed books. If the learning media in the form of a printed book is not supportive and unable to convey information properly then students will find it difficult to follow and understand the material. This study aims to develop educational game learning media based on Role Playing Game to help the learning process at SMK Nurul Amanah. This research uses analysis model of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE). The research steps are Analysis (analyzing student needs, formulating learning objectives, formulation of material items, preparation of evaluation instruments), Design (writing media script), Development (making educative game), Implementation (product implementation in SMK Nurul Amanah), Evaluation (Formulating the results of evaluation instruments). The results of the product trials show that media experts obtained an 83% percentage score in the "GOOD" category and Questionnaire material experts scored 86% percentage in the "GOOD" category while the student questionnaire scored 90% percentage in the "EXCELLENT" category. The conclusion of the researcher is educative game learning media can be used.

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